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Friday, October 13, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

WEll it's Firday the 13th!!! It's a cold sunny day inthe Northeast but the way things have been going around here I am definately looking behind my back!!! I am sure that things can only go up from here!!

So let's start with last weekends guest appearance in Derry NH at the Northeast Tournament of Champions! Big Bill Wilmore came in on Friday and hung out in Springfield...we went to the barber, the mall (he forgot his warm clothes!), my parents for home made apple pie in his honor and to eat several times (he is still eating every 2 hours)....NOTICE, I didn't say we went to the gym!! Well...that's cuz we didn't! I wanted to train and he said he did too before he got here but then....coming off the "O" I think he is RELAX mode!! Hanging out with these big BB isn't a good influence on me!lol I was able to resist the temptation of him eating sweets...I knew I couldn't get away with that and look OK at the show the next day!!
So Saturday 10/7 arrived and we..ATE! and then jumped in the car to go north...never thinking that it was not only Columbus Day weekend but also peak Leaf Peeping time!! Goodness...the traffic was dead stop on the highway! We did get ther in time for me to judge...jsut barely! STRESS!!!! The show went off without a hitch..Maggie and Dave put on a great show with no glitches!! There was some pretty good competition too...some of the calls were very difficult to make and close! The only disappointment to me was that there were no female BB in the show at all!!! That breaks my heart! So I guess that my job of trying to prove FBB can be pretty and marketable is gonna be tough in the Norhteast!
The night show went well...I did my "Big spender" routine and got a lot of great feedback. Mnay of the women spoke to me about being afraid to be a BB till they saw me! So I am startign to plant the seed. Hopefully their boyfriends in the audience thought the same thing? There was 4 guys there in wheelchairs..talk about inspirational! They garnered a lot of attentin from MIke Katz and Bil..of course they deserved it! WE all took pictures with them. Note to self...I am SO BLESSED! Big Bill came out much after me and then at the end of his routine he called me out and we went into the crowd. The crowd was psyched and very responsive to us! Ron Harris was there snapping pictures that he later posted on his thread on Mayhem (Daily Pump). He is always so complimentary to me and I really appreciate it! We all got out of there around 10 pm! I was starved. Big Bill bought me a nice diner and we drove to Manchester where Maggie and Dave put us up. We met them at a local club but it was last call by the time we got there...Vegas this wasn't!!!! Good thing though as I was beat!
Sunday brought another beautiful sunny day...we ate breakfast and I drove Big Bill south. Before heading him to the airport for his flight we stopped in Springifeld and met up with my room mate Damaris for lunch...couldn't put the big guy on the plane on an empty stomach!!! He was off to Ireland this week for appearances!! He is more of a traveling fool than me!!
Monday found me with a full schedule of personal training. I figured I would line up the one shot appointments and schedule in the regulars! The rest of the day I picked up mom and went to the mall and then met Damaris for a movie...the DEPARTED! Real violent, typical mobster/police drama. It was good though...kept the interest and heart rate up!
So here we are on Friday getting ready for the weekend.....I don't have any plans but to clean, organize and buy groceries...big deal right!! Sounds good to me right now!
Till later


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