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Sunday, November 11, 2007

My figure debut is over...I can tell you one thing...those poor girls WAIT AROUND IN THOSE HEELS....ALOT!!!! It was a LONG night and got a bit boring backstage but I tried to keep up the energy...shared my wine and met a lot of fun girls. Many of these ladies I have oiled up on a national level stage before but hanging out wiht them was a different vibe! It's hard not to fall into my "role" as backstage helper though...I feel so compelled to tuck in a string or glue in a but..I tried to restrain.
I got a couple critiqus; Tricky Jackson and Roland Hugh both thought I fit right in on the figure stage...they did not think I was too muscular but then a couple people still thought I was. It is going back and forth. A couple people just don't want to see me leave BB as they feel I am good for the sport?

After the show, Dave and NIcki, Marcy, Q and I went out to the Hard rock to eat and that is where I got to have my COSMOS!!!!! They did the trick..the wine didn't seem to perk me up as much and I felt much better. I think that getting a visit from Auntie Flo (wink, wink) today (SURPRISE!) really started messing with my emotions. Great..another thing to deal with as a figure competitor!!!! That's enough to make me go back to BB...QUICK!!
After the Hardrock we went to the ROCK BAR, where Brent JOnes hosted the after party. I have never heard ALL rock and Roll in a ance club...it was different but the vibe from the athletes was great...it was nice to see everyone in a relaxed venue and a lot of athletes did show up! We stayed till about 2 ish I think...the bars in Louisville stay open till 4am!! Who would have thought that Louisville was such a hard party place!???
So today we are gonna ust hang out and watch football somewhere tillwe have to leave. This has been a great experience for me...I like how my physique came out, got a great critique from one juge, and now....I HAVE A DECISION to make....I guess I amjust gonna relax with it and give it up to the universe...it hasn't led me wrong yet...
Gotta listen to my heart
Have a great Sunday all!


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