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Wednesday, September 03, 2008


I've been up since 5..at the gym now on a break between clients and trying to get some work done. I definately seem to get more done when I stay put for a few hours in one place (hard to do these days).

The weather in the northeast the past couple weeks has been soo beautiful...I wished it could be like this EVERYDAY!!!!! I know that some would say if that was the case then I wouldn't appreciate it when it does get nice but believe me ....I would love to give it a try. I am in such a better mood even if I am dog tired when it is beautiful and sunny. How can one person be so driven by the weather!!!!???

I am definately feeling this last couple weeks of prep for the Atlantic City show. My body is just starting to give out on me...my mind wants to keep going but....I guess it's time for a rest.
Huge congrats out to Brandie Gardner for turning pro in Cleveland at the North Americans by winning the overall masters figure!!!! She was BEAUTIFUL!!!! Also big ups to the other mighty one...Lori "Ripitupbaby" Steele...for taking her class. That's 2 for 2 at the national level...you go gurl!!!! On to nationals???? She needs a mental break and then we will see but if she goes to the ATL expect her to give the lightweights a run for their money!!!!!! Also a huge shout out to Darrell Terrell for looking the best he has ever looked under the tuteledge of Tim Gardner. Darrell took a 3rd in a heavily contested class of heavy weights.....Champions all of them!!!

Nicki comes in tonight and we head to NYC for the TEAM U...it will be a big show as always so I better reserve some energy!!!!
I am looking forward to NIcki coming in as she will be staying straight through till the Atlantic City and then we drive down there.

Me? I am really looking forward to a break...I want to be able to sleep until my body is rested and not worry about being on a schedule!!!! I guess I still have the rest of this month before I can do that!!!! I cannot believe that the summer is ending...it is September and almost a whole new year is peaking it's way around the corner! It was only months ago that Mom was still here with us...I miss her so much, the little things she did every day to make my life easier. She was truly interested in everything I did and I gave her a hard time for asking so many questions!! I have been feeling bad about that...all of a sudden I am wondering if I did enough and was enough for her...I never felt that I was when she was alive and even now in her death..."did I do all I should have" for the one and only person who has been truly interested in me and my life....I don't know why these thoughts are entering in my mind???? I guess I just miss her...I get a little teary alot more often....Dad is getting so much older...life can be hard sometimes. You have to "hold on loosely" as my client said to me today....

enjoy these beautiful September days everyone...enjoy your friedns an family EACH day...really that is all we have...THIS MOMENT!!!!!!


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