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Friday, August 18, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

Glad it's Friday..gotta get OUT in the SUN!!!! Of course it's supposed to rain this weekend. My trainer told me I was looking pale!! It's the end of summer and I am PALE..this is a testament to how much I have worked this summer./..I haven't seen outside except for one day last week!!! My 2-3 days int eh tanning booth just isn't cuttingit. I am gonna make sure I get out in the sun if there is any.
Anyone want to come work my job and do mychores??? I am taking offers!!! I need to relax..kick back...get a tan!!! Where are the sugar daddy's?????? This independant working woman stuff is CRAP!
OK...rant over!
The food is little and the hunger pains are big!! The glutes/hams and lower back are starting to tighen up so much from all the cardio that I am slow moving in the morning and the little emotional moods are cropp[in gup...I guess all this means that the show is gettingclose!!?? I feel like I look small and smooth...I guess everything must be right on target then...right!??lol
I need to really remember what my web guy told me today...that the whole reason I am competing this year and how Ihave gotten here are totally different than many that will be there...just getting this far is an honor and an accomplishment..gracing the stage with the level of athlete is just unimaginable!!! I will have an awesome time...it will be something I remember the rest of my life and a great story to tell my grandchildren (well maybe my friends grandchildren??)I willl go to Europa next week to suppor the women, get motivated and inspired to make my pro debut (notice i didn't say scared)...my head will be straight and it will be an awesome journey!!! I also have to figure out how to keep this 6 week out body ...I like it best!! (I guess that is a no brainer...starvation and tons of cardio!)

I miss my family in NH and I miss Sue and her boys next door...but they come home from their summer away this Sunday so at least they will be around (so will all the food they carry with them!!!yikes!)I am feeling the need to be social, visit with friends and family, cook meals and be domestic...oh-oh!!!! That doesn't sound good, must be the dileria setting in from no food!!!

OK all...best I getta goin!
Peace out
PS: For anyone in my area; I will be featured on the Channel 40 news on 8/21/ at 5:30 during the sports.


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