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Thursday, August 03, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

Well we are int he middle of a heat wave like New England has never seen!!!! They are keeping the seniors in and closing the day care centers!!! It's pretty crazy. I got home from Vegas and it was as hot here as there so it didn't seem to extreme to me but...since I only have AC in my bedroom and kitchen it's pretty claustrophobic in the rest of my house!! I have been doing my cardio like normal...first thing int he am on my friends treadmill next door. She has the treadmill in her basement which is normally cool without AC but lately it is just downright DAMP! I feel like I can feel the mold just crawling on me as I am down there...I might have to suck it up and go to the gym tomorrow (that means up a half hour earlier!)
I have been trying to catch up on my sleep and just when I feel somewhat normal I get tired! I even fell asleep during my deep tissue massage last night. Normaly ther eis no way I can do that as my massage thereapist goes very deep and it usually hurts a bit! I couldn't even talk I was so out of it!!! Either I am getting too old for Vegas or I can't stay up late like I used to!!!! LOL
So it's Thursday and I have pretty much trained on schedule. I want to try to hit the gym at lunch time over the next couple days as I have demos for Vyotech this weekend and that will cut into my after work time!! Boy, I wished I could just go to the beach and lounge around for a weekend. Sue and her boys (my best friend next door who is like my sister) have been gone all summer to Maine and they want me to go up. I want to go so bad but first I have to find the time and second I have to mentally prepare myself as all they do up there is EAT!!!!! Not necessarily junk either but when you are lounging around and a bit bored that's what you want to do...EAT!!! So anyway..I have to look at teh schedule and see??? I miss them a ton that's for sure. I get a kid fix everyday from seeing them next door and it's real quiet without them around!!!!
OK all..time to get to work!!

Fill your day with positive light and stay cool!


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