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Monday, July 03, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

It's a beautiful MONDAY!! Totally summertime weather here in the northesast!!! I really wished it could be like this ALL the time! Maybe I wouldn't appreciate it so much if it were?? Everyone I know is at teh beach or "OFF" for the summer!
I have worked all weekend doing demos for Vyotech at area malls, doing house chores, double cardios and dieting my butt off!!! Working today all day at my day job in the office and finally a day off tomorrow!
I am starting to notice a difference in my physique. The doubles and strict diet are paying off. I am glad cuz I would rather coast in than suffer the WHOLE time. I will keep this up in hopes of having a SPLURGE in VEGAS for my birthday weekend! If I am not ready to compete at the Europa I am feeling like I should at least go to support the other women and the show!! One thing at a time....
Not a lot of exciting things going on as I am home but A LOT of domestic settling & organizing and ALONE time. Everything I have been doing this weekend has been alone 9for the most part). After 3 weekends home in a row things should be in order at home so I can take off for 3 weekends in a row and leave a mess in between!! Sometimes I think this life is CRAZY but what else would I be doing, right? Lounging around getting chubby with my friends and family, making excuses for not being in shape, "settling" for a mundance existance? Who knows, for now, this is what I choose to do...stay busy....keep in shape....travel as much as I can!
I am a bit worried though, mom is not feeling well at all. It is difficult for her to walk from one room to the next without feeling faint and having a hard time breathing. The doctor told her that this is the natural progression of her emyphazema. This was a surprise to her eventhough she has already been told this. I hate to see her feel defeated about "fighting" to enjoy life. I am not sure how to make things more interesting for her besides just lounging around the house with her. I feel like it is my responsibility to 'entertain" her. I know that I need to cherish all the time we have left but I also hate to dwell on the outcome!! I want to just help her enjoy life! What life lessons we have to learn along the way...
Hope your life lessons today are light hearted!!


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