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Friday, October 28, 2005

OK. What a week!!
My shoot with Payiam went well but was much longer than expected. He is a very talented photographer and I am anxious to see the actual phots once he gets them to me. I will also get a "tear sheet" fromt he magazine. The German magazine: SLEEK, is very up-scale and artsy. It is a cool opportunity to be a part of this project, it lends to the marketability of female bodybuilding!!!! That was Monday and my drive home in the rains left from hurricane Wilma SUCKED!!!!!
Anyway the rest of my week flew by with time on my hands that I am not used to seeing I didn't have double cardios to do. My body is looking pretty tight at this point even iwth the increase in carb calories and less cardio. I am seeing big lines in my legs and fine lines all over my upper body. It is truely exciting and I can't wait to see what happens on 11/19!!!
I did make good use of my free time; went to bed early, had a massage, went to dinner with my mom. All things (except the massage!) that I don't have a chance to do usually during this time of the prep. I plan on enjoying a bit more time with freinds and family throughout this weekend, as I don't have to work and am staying put!!! Who knows what tim will have me doing come next Monday!!
My poor friends in Ft.Lauderdale/Hollywood Florida area!!! Big Bill Wilmore was flown out to Atlanta by theRoad To The Pros due to the city being in a state of devestattion!! it isn't really being reporte donthe news how bad things are down there. I spoke with CJ (CJ elite suits) and she is running everything off a generater. She was prepared. Still trying to get a hold of the people at Protan, Stacy Kaufman, but phone service is sporadic!! Prayers out tot hem. Thanks God For the RTP for getting Bill out so he can continue onhis quest for the pro card!!! He works so hard and is so deserving!!
i am looking forward to heading down to Tampa next weekend to relax with my people down there and see Tim!!
Other than that folks - we'll checkin later!


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