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Saturday, March 11, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

I am Back online!!! Sorry for any inconvenience to you! Did you miss me???? (he-he) While I was at the Arnold my site went down but...we are all set now.

Please stay tuned for the newsletter which will be out soon and new pictures from the Ironman and now the Arnold!!!

So..back from the Arnold. As usual it was awesome seeing everyone and getting the "bug" for the new season!! Me and Nicki worked the Protan booth the whole weekend. It was exhausting but very productive. Stacy Kaufman is the MAN!!!! We will be working 4 more shows this year in NYC, including the NY Pro and Team U!! So we will officially be part of the backstage crew!!!
Back to Columbus though... I saw so many people. The muscle mayhem/Lana Dora PEEPS WERE IN FULL FORCE!! Bulldog and Strongmind, Doc ("LET ME SHOW YOU MY SCAR") and Beth, Nat and Adam, Mike and Nida, Flex (saw him in the club, Lewis)...gosh it was a blur. I also had visits from new IFBB prois: Debbie Patton, Kim Perez, Toni Norman, Big Bill Wlimore, Tricky Jackson, Jose Raymond (I consider him a pro whether or not he accepts his card cuz he has earned it so many times). Sorry if I am forgetting anyone!
I was honored to help Big T Freeman with his color (he looked amazing, much tighter than the Ironman) and Kim Klien (2nd inFitness). Hung out a bit with Danielle Hollenshde who was beautiful in her pro debut!!
I was a guest for dinner at Morton's Steakhouse with Fred Berger and the Hardbodies entertainment crew! I enjoyed diningwith Madeline Wheeler (Flex's beautiful wife). I Luv you CONNIE and AL!! I had awesome tickets for the mens night show which had me right in front of Lee Hany and his family. That was a cool photo op! What an inspiring man and beautiful family he has!
I met Christina Dugdale for the first time, she was charming! Mark was looking healthy.
My evenings were mostly, "girls night out" except on Saturday night at the after party. It started out as girls night out and then once we were up in the club it was just a blast. Everyone was there!!! Shawn "Sugar" Ray got us into the VIP section..thanks sugar!!We were able to mingle with all our friends in their various company sections!! It was really fun this year. I had a technodance lessonfrom Nida but Nicki said I looked more like I was doing an Irish jig (guess I got lots to learn). Everyone was in the same place and it was much easier to navigate the club!!

I have to say that it was so inspriing for me to see a couple of the girls that I competed with in the NPC on the Arnold stage (Toni!!)!! They were beautiful and charming and I can't wait to be up there with them, little or not...it's gonna be fun!!! The Ms. International was interesting to me as the top 6 were all the biggest girls onstage (also the ones with the most titles). They were awesome athletes and well deserving but I had to notice that the judging for the IFBB did not correspond with the "NEW" judging from the NPC. Guess I am in for a real different ride...it's all good...BRING IT ON!!! I will definately get press for the smallest girl on stage!!!!!!

I have to give a shout out to GOLDS GYM WEST SIDE!!!! You guys are the best!! XOXOXOX

OK all - have a great weekend and keep checkingout the site - there will be new picctures up realsoon!!!!



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