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Thursday, February 16, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

Big HELLOOO!!!!!

Hey all, just wanted to check in before I leave for Cali tomorrow. I have been hitting it pretty hard in the gym and have gotten in my contact kickboxing as well. My body is definately feeling it this week, sore, tired. I am feeling pretty strong given the fact I haven't really been eating right and barely taking a multi vitamin. I am not where I was before my time off but definately not a total wekling so I feel pretty good about that. I don't want to lookl like a total weakling at Gold's Venice!!!lol

The weather here has gone from frozen tundra to spring again. It is so extreme it is schizophrenic!! By this weekend it is going to be frozen tundra again, but then again...I will be in sunny Cali. But I just learned that it will only be like, 68 degrees when I get there. Figures...it was 80 all last week! Can't complain - it's still better than here!!

Spoke to Toney Freeman today - he is preparing to travel to Pasedena with his trainer from Seattle. He has been there preparing for the show. He says he is happy with how he is looking and doesn't feel it could be any better!! I can't wait to see him with all the new muscle he grew!! I hope he does well. He is a beautiful bodybuilder and a nice guy!!

The only problem with my trip to Cali is that I will be missing my good friend (he's like a brother to me), Keno's, 40th birthday party this weekend. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I know it will be a blast and we are all thanking God that he grew around those teeth!!!!!!

How about those athletes inItaly?? The Olympic spirit is prevailing over there for a lot of athletes. It is so exciting to watch. It is an event that really brings the world together! Good luck to them all!

Well all - You may not hear from me till I return unless I can get on a computer while I am gone!! Have a great weekend and stay posted to the boards for the results of the Ironman!!



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