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Monday, February 06, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

How about those STEELERS!!!!!
They pulled it out in the second half. They had me nervous in the first half, though! I spent the game at my shesho, Maritza Miranda. she had a few people over and TONS of food (my stomach hated me until this afternoon!). It was a fun time and seemed like old times rooting for my dad's Steelers!!

I had a busy weekend as I worked my part time Gerstner job! I did a demo for Instone products with my peeps Cherie and Miguel in Auburn, GNC. They are always fun to spend the afternoon with! On Sunday I "secret shopped" for Fizogen at the Eastfield and Holyoke malls. Both, Brandie and Pat, earned their gift cards being the knowledgable sales associates that they are!!

On Friday evening I went with my girl, Nicki, to the RUSSELL in Hartford, Ct. It is a real upscale, loungy type place with light eats and good drinks! It was a pleasure to meet the general manager, Hugh Russell, who definately went out of his way to greeet ALL his guests in the establishment. My room mate, Damaris and her boyfriend, Rick and his friends were also there and we joined them in their VIP section for one drink as well.

Saturday was also a big 5th birthday aprty for my little nephew, Seth. I was in charge of making the "camoflage cake". It was a near disaster, good thing we had a Hummer to go over the canyon in the middle of it!! He, however, thought it was the best cake around. Oh!, to be 5 again!!

All in all, it was a pretty laid back weekend with a mix of work and play!

Tonight it is bakc to contact kickboxing with "red Dragon". I am sure I will be crippled tomorrow!!!

Talk to ya soon! (Pray for my body to hold up tonight!)


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