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Friday, April 07, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal
Good FRIDAY all!

It's a gray, rainy Friday here in the Northest...but at least it's FRIDAY!!!!!!

I have had a VERY SORE week!!! I amnot sure why but my muscle's are really rebelling against my hard training this week. I managed to squeak out a quad workout yesterday but in all honesty I had to go a little easy. I did smith machine squates with only 140 at teh most, 5 sets of extentions and 3 sets of walking lunges. I was lucky I got that done, I was so sore from the rest of the week! I had gone to kickboxing and Sensi Black Tiger kicked my butt on Wed!!! I am not sure what's up but my body is telling me to rest...now the question is...Do I listen to it?
I started taking my vitamin pak daily so maybe that will help with the recovery?

This weekend I am off to worksome demos at area GNC's for Vyotech!! I am excited to be representing this company and look forward to getting these demos off the ground!!

So other than all this B______ things are good and busy!!! The April newsletter should be out soon so if you haven't signed up for it, please do...if you have signed up for it and aren't getting it please let me know so my Web guy can fix that!!!

Have some down time for me this weekend guys!


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