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Monday, December 18, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

Hey ALL!

It's one week till Christmas...I hope you all are finished wiht your shopping!! I have pretty much everything done with just a few errands to do and very little cooking. Since I will be dieting through the holidays this year I have vowed not to be baking and cooking too much. I do have some home made granola to make, however.

So this weekend I had Alberto take pics for Tim and I am expecting to get ALL my adjustments very soon..less food, more cardio!? You know...the normal BB stuff! I had a great sushi cheat...all sorts of great rolls and fish @ ironchef in Londmeadow! It was a great meal.
yesterday was my cousin's pre-wedding party in New Hampshire. he is getting married this Thursday up in the White Mountains. He hoped to ski for his honeymoon but this lack of snow is not making it look promising. My aunt hooked up the snacks in the utmost of elegant ways! She had plenty of good protein choices; shrimp cocktail, lambchops, scallops wrapped in bacon, many cheese choices and other savories! I did take my second cheat there but I just nibbled on things. My real cheat of the day was 3 glasses of wine that I had! Anyway...because it wasn't a full meal I was hungry real quick! That will be my Christmas celebratin as far as food goes! I anticipate that the diet will go straight through now!
I thnk the nicest part of the day was seeing my cousins. i hadn't seen them in almost 2 years (some of them)...there just wasn't enough time to visit! My parents seemed to have a nice day? I hope they did!

so all...remember; Christmas should be about the birthday of Christ ...no stress...no hatred..no anxiety...just a birthday party! Be blessed


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