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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

WOW! I have been neglectful here, haven't I?

I have been so interested in learning about myspace that I have been lazy about my site. I got one complaint already from the myspace fans and that was that my pics don't get updated often enough. I will try to work on that this upcoming year!

Christmas has come and gone and now we are preparing for New Years! Everyone is reminiscing aobut 2006 and talking about having a BETTER year in 2007!? Sometimes I feel like too much emphasis is put on the NEW YEAR thing. We need to try to have better DAYS all around? We shouldn't just wait till January 1st to think about changing things to be better?so here's to making TODAY count!!! How's that?

I have beendieting and doing double cardios thorughout the season. It really hasn't been a big deal. I have done NO baking so it wasn't aaround but I did make the FAMOUS granola for gifts! There are NO treats hanging around my house..there are no tell tale signs of feasting. I left it all at my parents on Christmas. I have been getting a cheat meal a week and I was really looking forward to this last one as my carbs were lowered so I was hungry! We had baked stuffed shrimp (dad's specialty) and I made liguine with clams, cheese and crackers, wine, cookies. I felt DISGUSTING!!! It tasted good but my belly was real sick feeling after. Made me want to go right back to the clean food! I think it may have beenthe butter content in all the foods that I was not used to that got to me? I really don't mind the diet except when I feel hungry (like today).
Workouts have beengreat! I was doing a push/pull workout from Flex magazine that was different and gave me some sore muscle! Nicki and dave were in town for the holidays so we trained together twice and I don't know if I was just excited cuz they were here or what but I was STRONG! It doesn't hurt to see Dave pulling 6 plates on the hammerstrength row machine to ffire you up either, though!! The bad thing is that I won't see Nicki now till maybe the Arnold! That is over 2 months away! So today I looked into flights to Tuscon. There are actually some cheap flights right now for the end of January! If I go there it wil be easy to stay ont he diet and cardio train as Dave will be dieting too!? I may head out! We'll see? If I go there I probably won't go to Tampa??? such a hard decision...I want to go see ALL my peeps!
2007 NEEDS to bring momma a career change!!!! I need a new job! I have several new trainig opportunities with people who have been coming up to me in the gym lately too...so I want to be able to fit them all in. Traveling too much will get in the way of some of that!?

Cardio is on track. I am doing 2 30 minutes sessins right now and it feels pretty good actually witht he exception of my right shin. The PT is working on my hips and once those are totally straightened out I will be jus fine. The 30 minute sessions don't stress the leg as much as the 45 minutes. I gt to about 20 minutes before things really start flairing up.

I will be taking a quick trip up to NH this weekend to see my aunt and cousins and also to attend the NPC sanction meeting held in Manchester by David Follensbee and Maggie Blanchard. Then it will be back home by Sunday for massage and to cook my dad his Birthday dinner! He is a New Years Eve baby! I have been invited to a party hosted by my Latino contingecy here in Springfield...shoudl be fun to see some of those peeps but we'll see how I feel!

OK...I guess that is the update for now!!
Much luv and many blessign throughout the rest of the season!


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