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Friday, April 21, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal


Well here it is, Friday night and I am working on the computer and getting ready to go to bed!! Guess I am showing my age, huh???? Actually I just feel a bit tired. Got into the work week, trained and did a Vyotech demo on Wednesday night. Then yesterday I took the day off but it was so I could drive into NYC, Laguardia Airport, to pick up NIcki. She had been in Florida with Dave this past week. She landed on time but her luggage didn't. We had to wait about an hour and a half for that before getting on the road and into rush hour traffic!!! Noramlly - no biggie but we had to meet our mom's in Hartford to go see the Lion King. We had bought them tickets for a girls night out for Christmas. So the trek was on. We made it with 20 mnutes to spare! By the time I hit the show I needed a cosmo!!!! It was a long day/night!!! It was nice to spend the evening with our moms though!! So today...I guess I was still feeling the travel yesterday. I felt low motivation even with a beautiful sunny spring day!!! I did get to the gym after work but no cardio today.
The big news is that a Starbucks has opened downt he street from me. At last, Springfield is rising above the "home crap home" status!! Walking intot he Starbucks doesn't even feel like you are in Springfield. I am not sure where the people came from but...imagine something like that being a highlight of my day? Good Lord!?

I made a few more reservations for trips for protan and contest prep. I reserved the room for the Colorado show and also for the USA's. I figured I better reserve them so we aren't staying down teh strip or not at the host! So that is a done deal and now I just have to get my airfare to Vegas and I am set for that. Me and NIcki are trying to decide if we should stay a few days in Vegas to celebrate our birthday together this year! Dave is all for it! I would love to see one of the Cirque de Soliel shows like "O". By then Nicki will have been gone a few weeks form here and I will be missing her so...maybe it will be fun. I, however, will be dieting. Anyway...we have time to figure that out!

So i guess that is it around here, tonight! I have to organize around here, get to the store and train some clients this weekend. After this weekend I am not home for a weekend until Memorial Day!!!! The busier the better I guess. It sure beats the "lonlies"!!! (They were here this week!)
Sweet dreams all


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