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Monday, March 12, 2007

OK..recap of the Arnold...where do I begin??

The Arnold is just such a whirlwind of work and people!!!! There never seems to be enough time to do everything and see everyone you want to! You get home from that trip and your head is just spinning and overflowing with info! (It has nothing to do with the after party either... he-he).

I got into Columbus on Thrusday and immediately tracked down Steve Winnerstrom so we could get the shoot done. I had held the diet thorugh the week and was phsyically starving and emtionally ready to just eat!!! He brought me out to Mr. Lorimer's gym for the shoot which went well. He seemed happy with the results and hopefully it will get me into the mags!!! He was a fun guy!!
I cruised back into the city to go set up the booth in the expo...I got that chore all done when Stacy showed up in time to feed me...I still hadn't eaten~~~~Needless to say he brought me to Hyku and I ate so much sushi I thought I would burst...the pink grapefruit cosmos were out of this world too! If it wasn't for Stacy I probably wouldn't have eaten all weekend!!! Hopefully we will be workign much more together this upcoming year!!!

That night and the next day and night were filled with painting Toney Freeman and workign the expo booth. Nicki and and Dave both had delays getting in but got there Thursday ngiht. I was able to visit with Mimi and Amanda, Q (he was doing the amatuer), Mike and Nida, the MD crew including Colette, I helped out Denise Masino (one of my favorites!), Krissy finally got in Friday!!! I never even saw big Bill till Saturday...he was staying far away and our schedules dind't jive. It was fun but lots of work.

After an unbelievable Bison Burger (thanks Stac), I managed to get over to woman's finals. Iris Kyle kept her title, Oxyiani came in 2nd and Heather took a third, her first time at the Arnold. They definatley went with the bigger girls at this show and some of the smaller girls are going to try to petition the IFBB to reinstate weight classes here like at the smaller shows. I don't know..whatever they do...what an honor to be up on that stage! Kim Klien took the fitness...YEAH Kimmie!! I think yelling for her was the beginning of the end for my voice. Mary Lado defended her figure title.

Saturday expo ws just packed..there was no getting out to go to any other booth. nciki left to go see Dave at prejudge but I wa there all day! We sold though...had almost nothing for the next day. We zoomed right over to the men's finals after the expo since there was no time inbetween...the routine s were OK but Marcus got the crowd out of their seats...he was on fire and the crowd let him know it. The look on his face was pricelss once he realized how much they loved him. This of course, led to the best poser award given out by the Governator himself! Pride is just not a big enough word to describe the feelings I had for him and Tim. Marcus seems to really be on a better path!!!
Victor upset Dex to take the title with Toney in third. Gustavo took 4th, Phil 5th and Silvio 6th. I really don't know what to say about the placings as I really couldn't see the comparisons and didn't see prejudge but the line sure was ready this year!!! Very exciting for sure.
Saturaday night brought some good times with Big Bill, Lisa an dtom, Nick and Dave. We went tot he VIP banquet adn thento the Muscle tech party before moving onto the big after party at the club Karma. The whole Mayehm crew and everyone else was there...I got to mingle with Debi lasewski...she is such a doll. Ben White wa there, My loves Franco and Natalie (just love those guys), saw Justin Harris for a visit, Toney Freeman's whole crew..there were jsut to many people to visit with and not enough time in the night. We couldn't been there for days visiting....it was a long night though and thanks to Franco and Natalie, they got me home safe and sound only to go straight to the expo!!! So at this poit I had NO voice left!!! NONE!! I jsut hoped that people jsut wanted me to smile and pose!!! We sold out of rpoduct before noon and Stacy had rebooked his flight to go home hearly, leaving us in charge of breaking down the set.

Sunday night was a quiet dinner with Nicki, Dave and Q. Q had just competed and looked great.
My butt went straight to bed at 9 pm that night so I could be on the early plane out!!

Another year....Another Arnold Classic!!!


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