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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Today it's off to HOT-LANTA!!

I am so excited!
I had a super busy day yesterday; had to work at my "real job", train, get waxed and manicured, etc.... I was able to rpint out some contest prep rpoposals to bring withme so I can get it in hand to the people that matter in that area!! I never got home from my whole day until 9 pm. then I had to pack, cook, organize!! Spoke with Jay from RTP - he was reviewing my footage form the weekend. He was loving my family!!! God only knows what they will use??? Time will tell!
So today it was up at 5:30 am to get my last work out in, home, pack the rest of the my stuff and get ready to go.
Hugely inspirational phone call from tim this morning. He has a way of bringing tears to my eyes at times. he reminded me of what I should be thinking of whenI am up there onstage. We discussed what a great journey this year has been and how much simplier it has seemed. I am so glad he is going to be there!
I have this overwhleming sense of clam. It almost is scary to me? I am grateful for it and just plan on going to Atlanta and enjoy every minute of what is left of this journey!! I am anxious to see freinds and to get on that stage with the best athletes in the nation!! WOW - who would have thought...? The people I have met along the way and the friendships that have been made, not to mention the self exploration I have done....OK...enough mushy stuff! Once I start carbbing up at noon I will probably loose the nostalgia!!

Anyway - I will try to check in from Atlanta - if not - will see you when I get back!!
Peace - C


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