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Sunday, April 13, 2008

I AM GRATEFUL!!!! For so many things.

First is MY BED!!!! I love MY BED!!! I moved back to my apratment yesterday after spending the last 9 weeks at my parents taking care of my mom. It was so nice to sleep in my own bed...in my own space! I love my parents but I have been out of their house for many years now and I was feeling "under foot" especially since Dad has taken over many of the responsibilities of caring for Mom.

I AM GRATEFUL!!!! I was ABLE to call Mom the other day to tell her I LOVED HER....it was only a few weeks ago, I thought I would never be able to call her again....I AM GRATEFUL she is still here with us.

I AM GRATEFUL that I was able to care for Mom...not work for a period of time and do everything I could to make her and Dad more comfortable.

I am GRATEFUL for the lessons I learned and am still learning...I am GRATEFUL to be getting back to work..for having the chance to get MY BODY back to a healthy state.

I AM GRATEFUL that it is spring...that the birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, the grass is getting green, the air feels warmer.....it is renewal...for ALL of us.

Mom is feeling depressed as now that she is clear headed and off almost all the drugs she is realizing that she is still with us and can't get out of her bed. Truthfully, I see her being able to get up and move about the house...not easily but I can see her doing it...she is feeling hopeless....I pray that she finds God's light to help her to understand what she needs to still do and I also pray that God takes her quickly when it is her time...I hate to see her perseverating over what is her purpose and what will happen to her....I pray that God is forgiving and takes her qucikly when it is time....

So, for now....I base myself out of my own place and try to make a living and pay my way and recharge my body and soul to deal with whatever God has planned...
I am back to structured eating, cardio everyday for 45 minutes and Body PumP classes (I teach them). Last week I did 4 classes...this week I will do 3 and I will actually lift some weights!!!! Chest, shoulders and back are my priorities right now...
For all of you who have been keeping up in my journal and sending prayers and good thoughts....THANKS YOU truely from the bottom of my heart.....I know that the positive vibes have helped get me through a dark time....I see the sun right now and do not fear the dark!!!!


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