Happy Monday to you all!!!
I have had a chuck full weekend of bodybuilding!!!
I was in Marlboro Ma on Saturday (5/5/07) for the WNBF/Nancy Andrews show. Gold's gym owner Steve Shoshana competed as a pro as well as many other guys from Gold's Gym West Side!! Huge congrats go out to all of them...they looked great and their hard work paid off!! A very big congrats to Big "Charles in Charge" Constant. He took his class and the overall in the novice division. It was very clear that this all natural athlete did his homework!!!! He was big and full, hard and separated and he posed like the champ that he is! He will be busting into the WNBF Pro ranks if he keeps this up!!!
Also big hsouts to my NH girl in BB...she looked beautiful and did an descellant job with her presentation. Iknow she is reading this so...congrats to you!!! Keep up the great work!
Sunday (5/6/07) brought me to Boston for the NPC New Englands. A full day of judging and a full night of routines, and fabulous guest posers had us home after midnight! Jay Cutler, Dave PAlumbo, Colette Nelson, Evan Cetopani were all there presenting great entertainment. The Boston crowd loves Jay and he announced that next year he is joining forces with Jimmy Decotis to present the NPC/Jay Culter New England Championships!!!
Huge shouts out to HAl Riddle and RAven W. for displaying their hard work and dedication on stage. Hal took his class in a very tough line up and almost swept the overall too. Nothing to hang his head about, he made HUGE improvements since the last time he was on stage in ALL areas!!! I think the best thing about Hal winning is that he is such a nice guy....it makes it even nicer!!
Raven also did extremely well in a very big figure class taking a second place. She also crossed over to BB and took her class there. SHe had so much fun in that pose down that I hope to see her doing BB again!! SHe definately has what it takes to keep FBB pretty! I was very proud!!!
In attendance was Dave Follensbee and Mage Blanchard (of course) as well as Toy and Lori Steele. Lori is looking in charge of her Jr. Nats prep! She is gonna light up Chi-town in June!!! Amanda Genao, the 2005 overall figure champ was there, Ron Harris, MD forums group, Mr G and Mr. G Jr were with Dave recording clips for the forums!! Heidi Fletcher was organzing the backstage people as the trophy presentations. Hiedi has me almost convinced to try my hand at a little IFBB figure this year! It is a new ruing that the IFBB women can do any type of group in a show. I could concievabley do figure at one show and BB in another???? What other BB will be doing that?? I am thinking it might be fun to give it a try???!!! TIM...what do you think Boss!???
Speaking of Tim...it's his birthdya this Friday....HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOSS!!!!!!! Muah!!
The other BIG development is that I have actually made verbal contact with the powers that be to move things along for "Desert Muscle". The army is looking to bring us out at the end of August (how HOT will that be!? Literally!). I have sent out emails to all the peeps that want to go. Given that it is one moth before the O, I am not sure if a few of them will still want to make the trip. We have to settle the details of this...maybe try to go after the O??? Who knows, but at least it's moving forward...it actually looks like this may happen!! Very exciting
OK all..gotta get back to reality..it sure it tough...when will be able to make this part time stuff MY REALITY...huh? Is that what you are asking?? Me too! We'll see...hopefully soon!!
Ciao for now...will check back soon!!
I have had a chuck full weekend of bodybuilding!!!
I was in Marlboro Ma on Saturday (5/5/07) for the WNBF/Nancy Andrews show. Gold's gym owner Steve Shoshana competed as a pro as well as many other guys from Gold's Gym West Side!! Huge congrats go out to all of them...they looked great and their hard work paid off!! A very big congrats to Big "Charles in Charge" Constant. He took his class and the overall in the novice division. It was very clear that this all natural athlete did his homework!!!! He was big and full, hard and separated and he posed like the champ that he is! He will be busting into the WNBF Pro ranks if he keeps this up!!!
Also big hsouts to my NH girl in BB...she looked beautiful and did an descellant job with her presentation. Iknow she is reading this so...congrats to you!!! Keep up the great work!
Sunday (5/6/07) brought me to Boston for the NPC New Englands. A full day of judging and a full night of routines, and fabulous guest posers had us home after midnight! Jay Cutler, Dave PAlumbo, Colette Nelson, Evan Cetopani were all there presenting great entertainment. The Boston crowd loves Jay and he announced that next year he is joining forces with Jimmy Decotis to present the NPC/Jay Culter New England Championships!!!
Huge shouts out to HAl Riddle and RAven W. for displaying their hard work and dedication on stage. Hal took his class in a very tough line up and almost swept the overall too. Nothing to hang his head about, he made HUGE improvements since the last time he was on stage in ALL areas!!! I think the best thing about Hal winning is that he is such a nice guy....it makes it even nicer!!
Raven also did extremely well in a very big figure class taking a second place. She also crossed over to BB and took her class there. SHe had so much fun in that pose down that I hope to see her doing BB again!! SHe definately has what it takes to keep FBB pretty! I was very proud!!!
In attendance was Dave Follensbee and Mage Blanchard (of course) as well as Toy and Lori Steele. Lori is looking in charge of her Jr. Nats prep! She is gonna light up Chi-town in June!!! Amanda Genao, the 2005 overall figure champ was there, Ron Harris, MD forums group, Mr G and Mr. G Jr were with Dave recording clips for the forums!! Heidi Fletcher was organzing the backstage people as the trophy presentations. Hiedi has me almost convinced to try my hand at a little IFBB figure this year! It is a new ruing that the IFBB women can do any type of group in a show. I could concievabley do figure at one show and BB in another???? What other BB will be doing that?? I am thinking it might be fun to give it a try???!!! TIM...what do you think Boss!???
Speaking of Tim...it's his birthdya this Friday....HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOSS!!!!!!! Muah!!
The other BIG development is that I have actually made verbal contact with the powers that be to move things along for "Desert Muscle". The army is looking to bring us out at the end of August (how HOT will that be!? Literally!). I have sent out emails to all the peeps that want to go. Given that it is one moth before the O, I am not sure if a few of them will still want to make the trip. We have to settle the details of this...maybe try to go after the O??? Who knows, but at least it's moving forward...it actually looks like this may happen!! Very exciting
OK all..gotta get back to reality..it sure it tough...when will be able to make this part time stuff MY REALITY...huh? Is that what you are asking?? Me too! We'll see...hopefully soon!!
Ciao for now...will check back soon!!