Welcome to my Journal..

This is where you will find the latest on my training, writings, fitness tips, diets, competitions,
and in general, what may be going on with me.

Check back to this section of the website as often as you like to catch the latest on my schedule and appearances.



Monday, March 26, 2007

Happy MOnday!
I amin Atlanta...been here all weekend shooting DVD footage for "My Lie" DVD. It is the most beuatiful spring day here...the trees are pink, the grass is sprouting, the sky is blue and the flowers are out...they are ahead of us in Ma and it's giving me spring fever being here anticipating the days ahead. Of course not only "spring fever" but spring allergies...I have been swollowing allergy meds like candy since I have been here..hopefully the footage doens't look like I am red and puffy!!!!

I am excited about this project. Jay Hammettis producing it. It will be more like a lifestlye video instead of just a one demensional workout video. There will be video, pictures, narrative and music. It will be layered and more interesting to watch. I have a guest appearance by Toney Freemen...he was was trianing with his crew (including up and rising NPC star, Shortdog). This was a high light for me...Toney is a great guy and had some inspirational (to me) words to say! The plan is that if it works out well to do a series of these including cooking video and training video. I am very excited to see the finished product which he hopes is within the next two weeks.

I was treated like a queen...had great accomodations and time with friends. We shot video in one day and then did audio the next. It's weird standing in front of a mike in a room trying to emote and have excitement in your voice....I guess acting isn't as easy as it looks!!! Jay's brother D got me going though and I think it will be cool!

I went to dinner with Mimi Jabalee, Amanda Dunbar, Elena Sieple and others on Saturday night...it was hours worth of dinner at the Cheesecake factory but it was great to see the girls and have NO ONE competing!! There are so many BB in Atlanta!
Sunday night brought me out to my friend's Kirsten and son's beuatiful hoem in Alpheretta. It's absolutely gorgeous out here and so great to see such great epople.
I had a last minute opportunity to go hang out with another friend, MIke Rice, as he was doing personal security for Luda and Jeezy but the cab coudln't find where I was! I guess I am really out here and don't know it!
I will be returnign home tonight...I hear it is supposed to be better weather? We'll see...I guess I will have to get my coat out of the suitcase

Until next time!
PS: I want to give a shour tout to Big Daddy J in Tampa...time to get a move on, cardio and diet plan!!! I'm behind ya big dawg!!!

Monday, March 12, 2007

OK..recap of the Arnold...where do I begin??

The Arnold is just such a whirlwind of work and people!!!! There never seems to be enough time to do everything and see everyone you want to! You get home from that trip and your head is just spinning and overflowing with info! (It has nothing to do with the after party either... he-he).

I got into Columbus on Thrusday and immediately tracked down Steve Winnerstrom so we could get the shoot done. I had held the diet thorugh the week and was phsyically starving and emtionally ready to just eat!!! He brought me out to Mr. Lorimer's gym for the shoot which went well. He seemed happy with the results and hopefully it will get me into the mags!!! He was a fun guy!!
I cruised back into the city to go set up the booth in the expo...I got that chore all done when Stacy showed up in time to feed me...I still hadn't eaten~~~~Needless to say he brought me to Hyku and I ate so much sushi I thought I would burst...the pink grapefruit cosmos were out of this world too! If it wasn't for Stacy I probably wouldn't have eaten all weekend!!! Hopefully we will be workign much more together this upcoming year!!!

That night and the next day and night were filled with painting Toney Freeman and workign the expo booth. Nicki and and Dave both had delays getting in but got there Thursday ngiht. I was able to visit with Mimi and Amanda, Q (he was doing the amatuer), Mike and Nida, the MD crew including Colette, I helped out Denise Masino (one of my favorites!), Krissy finally got in Friday!!! I never even saw big Bill till Saturday...he was staying far away and our schedules dind't jive. It was fun but lots of work.

After an unbelievable Bison Burger (thanks Stac), I managed to get over to woman's finals. Iris Kyle kept her title, Oxyiani came in 2nd and Heather took a third, her first time at the Arnold. They definatley went with the bigger girls at this show and some of the smaller girls are going to try to petition the IFBB to reinstate weight classes here like at the smaller shows. I don't know..whatever they do...what an honor to be up on that stage! Kim Klien took the fitness...YEAH Kimmie!! I think yelling for her was the beginning of the end for my voice. Mary Lado defended her figure title.

Saturday expo ws just packed..there was no getting out to go to any other booth. nciki left to go see Dave at prejudge but I wa there all day! We sold though...had almost nothing for the next day. We zoomed right over to the men's finals after the expo since there was no time inbetween...the routine s were OK but Marcus got the crowd out of their seats...he was on fire and the crowd let him know it. The look on his face was pricelss once he realized how much they loved him. This of course, led to the best poser award given out by the Governator himself! Pride is just not a big enough word to describe the feelings I had for him and Tim. Marcus seems to really be on a better path!!!
Victor upset Dex to take the title with Toney in third. Gustavo took 4th, Phil 5th and Silvio 6th. I really don't know what to say about the placings as I really couldn't see the comparisons and didn't see prejudge but the line sure was ready this year!!! Very exciting for sure.
Saturaday night brought some good times with Big Bill, Lisa an dtom, Nick and Dave. We went tot he VIP banquet adn thento the Muscle tech party before moving onto the big after party at the club Karma. The whole Mayehm crew and everyone else was there...I got to mingle with Debi lasewski...she is such a doll. Ben White wa there, My loves Franco and Natalie (just love those guys), saw Justin Harris for a visit, Toney Freeman's whole crew..there were jsut to many people to visit with and not enough time in the night. We couldn't been there for days visiting....it was a long night though and thanks to Franco and Natalie, they got me home safe and sound only to go straight to the expo!!! So at this poit I had NO voice left!!! NONE!! I jsut hoped that people jsut wanted me to smile and pose!!! We sold out of rpoduct before noon and Stacy had rebooked his flight to go home hearly, leaving us in charge of breaking down the set.

Sunday night was a quiet dinner with Nicki, Dave and Q. Q had just competed and looked great.
My butt went straight to bed at 9 pm that night so I could be on the early plane out!!

Another year....Another Arnold Classic!!!

I am soo sorry I have been away so long...technical difficulties with my blog~~~ One day I WILL BE COMPUTER LITERATE! Ha!

OK...recap of my experience in Sacramento!!!!??? ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!!!
From coming into Lana's home, being treated with a relaxing facial, having all the comforts of home, taking a ride in the Benzo to SAC to actually waiting out the last few days before stage! I met up with the Boss, Tim Gardner and competitor and Lil Bro, Marcus Haley, once I got there...I got to spend quality time with both of them. It was a little uncomfortable as the last few days are but I was right on target! Right to the point where I peaked in the room on Friday night!!! Yeah, that's right, timing a bit off...but it is all good. It wouldn't have made a difference in my placing anyway. It's always a learning experience!!
The actual compeition was a blast...the girls show me soo much love..there was a lot of comreaderie and fun. The wine was flowing! It was a blast! I weighed in at 111 lbs. Definately at least 10 lbs less than the rest of the pack!!!

Tonie Norman took the lightweight division and Heather Policky took the heavyweight and overall in her pro debut! Vicki NIxon took a third behind Cathy Lafrancios in the lightweights. I took 6th but scoresheets show differently. I will follow up with that.

Big T Freeman, the X-man, took the show and Marcus took a very respectable 4th place. HIde from Japan made history getting the first ever "O" qualification for a Japanese man.

We had awesome Sushi after prejudge...Marcus, Tim, Lana, Shelly (who came in to do my makeup!), and Toney. It was a blast!!
After the night show just me, Lana and Toney went out for dinner. We kept it real low key...not even any cosmos!!!! Everyone was tired!

I was suspposed to shot all day Sunday but only ended up with one shoot with Gene X. It was a fun time and great pics although it was pretty cold! We got some good shots with Heather's overall sword!!! Steve Winnerstromhad family things to take care of so we agreed to shoot at the Arnold on Thursday...that meant holding the diet for a week!! YIKEEEESS!!! That's what make me the pro, right????

The friendships alon the way are just so priceless..just like the Visa comercial! Heather Foster, who calls me, "The BODY Salotti", will be working with me on my next routine! It's so exciting as she is just a phenomoinal entertainer. Vicki NIxon (3rd) was amazing...she just has delts from another planet and she is so sweet...overcoming so many physical but always has so much positive energy! Tonie Norman and Kim Perez...always so easy to be around. lauren Powers was reporting for MD online..she is so fullof energy and always gives me props! Then three are a few veterans, Cathy Lafrancious, Gayle Moher, Helen Bouchard...always smiling at me. The European girls, too...are so nice.

You know...it's funny how once you get that pro card then the focus all changes...for some of us it is no longer about "winning shows"...so focus and energy has to change! It's my goal as an IFBB pro to prove that Female BB can be feminine and marketable...the repsonse I got from my peers (competitors and spectators) as well as officials and others in the industry after this show is right in line with my goal.... I GUESS I AM DOING WHAT I HAVE BEEN CALLED TO DO!? WOW