Welcome to my Journal..

This is where you will find the latest on my training, writings, fitness tips, diets, competitions,
and in general, what may be going on with me.

Check back to this section of the website as often as you like to catch the latest on my schedule and appearances.



Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

WOW! That was kinda deep the last time...huh?
Well, I have returned to the northeast...it was actually a beautiful day today..sunny and mild. I was pleasantely surprised! I didn't do a great job of getting back intothe swing of things yesterdat...I did get to cardio kickboxing though. Today I have done better, cardio int eh am and eating clean...
The boys next door are all excited..it's kinda fun to see them all dressed up and jacked for candy...brings back some fond memories...these holidays are really fun with kids around!

Yesterday before leaving Tampa I really had a good talk with my boy Jose..he was helping me to be objective and encouraging me to take risks...opportunities are all around me if I am just willing to take some risks. He actually believes in me where I don't believe in myself...maybe he knows more than I do about this. He knew I would be successful in bodybuilding. He told me it isn't in my poersonality to fail? He hasreally made me think. I know he is right...I feel the urge to move with this idea...I need to focus on this thought and pray for guidance. It's like being with family, being in Tampa. I am blessed to have the friendships I do there...

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

It's been a beautiful day in Tampa Bay today!! I have been here since Thursday evening. I spent pretty much the whole day on Friday at body Tech, trained, did cardio, visited with Tim and Brandie and the other people in the gym. As usual...I felt like I had come home! We had sushi for lunch and had a few laughs...it was just great seeing them. As usual..never enough time. I went back into Body Tech the next morning to train and to try to see 2 national level competitors getting ready for Nationals; Debbie Barnes (ltwt) and Deb Lesewski. Unfortunately I left before seeing Deb L. I hear she is looking awesome. Debbie Barnes is looking pretty formidible also. I also hear that Beth Watcher is looking absolutely peeled! Boy am I glad I got my card last year...this line up is looking TOUGH!!!
The weather has been absolutely beautiful, sunny, clear and not too hot but perfect for being outside. I have done most of my cardios outside but have taken a couple sessions off. Tim is liking the idea of the Sacramento so if that is a go then it will be full on dieting starting Dec 1st! (12 weeks)Hopefully that will be enough since I am starting at a better start point. Tim and I will have to discuss this more...again...never enough time. I hate to use up what little time we do have with talking about me getting ready for a show.
The rest of the weekend was really relaxing..eating out , visiting with friends I haven't seen in ages, car shopping.

tToday was very special...I went to church at Grace Family church in Tampa and the minute I sat down I realized that something very special was going to happen..I was totally overcome with emotion. There was a live jazz orchestra and a choir of singers who were so joyful and passionate that I felt just filled up...the paster spoke about the Holy Spirit today and I truely felt like I was full. He said that when that little voice in you feels guilty or makes you wonder why you have done something that is the Holy spirit working inside you to persuade you to surrender yourself to Jesus. He said once you do that you will feel free and better...it doesn't mean you will be perfect but you will be more peaceful, you will want to do the right thing more. I felt like he was talking to me...urging me to do the right thing in my life...the honest thing. The Holy Spirit speaks the truth and if you are doing the positive things then positive things will return...I so believe in that anyway and this just confirmed that I need to be MORE positive...do the right thing...handle things in a kind and patient way..TRUST that I am not losing anything but am always blessed. The pastor said that pepole sometimes are afraid to surrender because they are afraid to fail or be hypocrites..he said that isn't the case and that we all make mistakes and fall sometimes but that seeing the liht and trying is still better. We can always try again. I kept telling myself to be present in that moment and enjoy it. Although I was overcome with emotion I also felt peaceful..almost tired when I left the church. Maybe it was the whole reason I was brought down here...to be at that service...who knows..maybe my life will change...I know that I need to feel better about myself as a person lately..I guess I need to listen to the Holy Spirit...do the right thing..

Goodness...I hope that I haven't gotten to wierd with all this today? There are so many feelings and thoughts I have been having that I almost can't get them into words...well, actually, I can't get them into words...I have to just "BE WITH IT" and TRUST that God will guide me..lift me up and heal me.

Peaceful sweet dreams

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

It's Wednesday...tomorrow I leave for Tampa!!!! I am totally psyched...I am traveling and NOT WORKING!! Not only that but it was a gift so for once, people are taking care of me for a change! It is a very different feeling and I am looking forward to it! I can't say the last time I went anywhere and it was totally for pleasure?! I guess I should be counting this blessing?

I also have managed to get ALL the arrangements set for Nationals in Miami..all hotels, flights, product...for me and my crew. For a minute I didn't hink I would have it under control with all the screw ups that happened? I have confirmed Mary Hobbs and Joanna Thomas along with Dena Westerfield (at least for one night) to be working with me and Nicki! Imagine...nothing but IFBB pros working with the athletes? Cool.....nothing but the best for the top level amateurs!
I am staying a couple extra days and Stacy wants me to go to the Protan offices and have a sit down. I plan on using my 2 extra days to relax on the beach, do cardio outside and maybe get some things scheduled with Stacy for next year! Work opportunities may be popping up!!!! YES! I am not even planning on going out...just CHILL! This whole re-grouping thing I have been doing...I need to rethink the energy around me...everywhere! I am looking forward to that too!

Once I get back it will be Halloween...I usually hate Halloween for myself but I like to see the kids next door be all excited!

Been praying for Lana's son, Tony, he has been sick again...porr Momma Lana! I lit a candle yesterday and have been sending positive energy out! To Cathy's niece Kim too! Thank God I am healthy! I AM BLESSED.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

Hard to believe it has been a week since I BLOGGED!!!! I just have kinda pulled myself out of the communication world...no phone, no email...off the boards...just have felt a bit like isolating...no maybe HYBERNATING" is a better word. Winter isn't here yet and I am ready to hybernate! I think all the cleanign out and re-organizing I have been doing in my house and office have made me want to do so in my head too???? KARMA...it's an interesting thing. I have decided that I must be an even better person to get back ALL the good karma the universe has for me...am I sounding too "crunchy"? I guess I have a side of that to me...maybe that is the answer to that question people ask during interviews..."tell us something that people would be surprised to know about you". I have this "mother earth" side to me that totally believes in communing with nature and the earth, being wholistic, being spriitual, surrounding yourself with positive energy...the whole KARMA thing...it's sooo true...BAD KARMA is a BITCH...so GOOD KARMA is the light!!!! OK, well anyway...I have to get better at sending out the GOOD stuff in ALL situations, not just ones I like. The hard or frustrating situations need positive energy too, it's osmetimes harder for me to do. Andy form Strong hold ministries told me to read John 14...it speaks to the idea that God wants us to love those people who are "in our face"...so when something negative happens to take a breath and think...I need to embrace this situation with patience (something I have to learn to do better) or love that person.

Anyway....enough of the Karmic experience today...on another note..the house cleaning...so this weekend I brought all my antique family pictures out of my bedroom and into the foyer/stairway. The Feng Sui book said how it brings bad energy into the bedroom to have family pictures in there. Besides, my mother told me the same thing...I think for very different reasons...she thinks peopel want to look at them? Either way...ti's something that I have been wanting to get done...so I did it! I have felt a great feeling of accomplishment by getting the stuff done around my house....it makes me want to have company in!

I can't wait to get the schedule for 2007 so I can plan my year! That is another hting I like to do so I have something to look forward to....I should just go with the flow but...I just like to be prepared!

Vicki Nixon emailed me to let me know that not only has John Lindsey dropped Figure for FBB in his 2/24/07 show in Sacramento but he is requesting 2 weight classes. It almost makes me want to jump in it to support his efforts! Sacramento is only an hour and a half awaay form Lana...I could base out of there??? I haven't gone crazy with diet or cardio as I am trying to maintain a good condition for guest posing...I don't have to worry about "gaining size"..I will never be big enough and don't really want to be? Definately more than just a fleeting thought? OK...so I guess I will pray on it..the universe will help me decide...he-he...sounds pretty wholistic huh????

Friday, October 20, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

It's like Forida today!!! It's grey, rainy, warm...ya know how when you walk outside in Florida on a rainy day the warm humidity hits you in the face? Tha's what it is like today..only difference is that there are brightly colored leaves falling and no palm trees!!! The really weird thing is that tomorrow it will probably be cool and crisp in the air. It changes so drastically and quickly...if you close your eyes form one day to the next you can almost feel like you are somewhere else....OK am I sounding crazy??? SORRY!

Well they have added one maybe 2 more pro FBB shows to the 2007 IFBB roaster and that is still tentative. Vicki Nixon told me that Jon Lindsey dropped figure to promote FBB at his Sacramento show one week prior to the Arnold and he may even be trying to get 2 weight classes. It almost makes me want to go! I feel excited about all this...something tells me it is POSITIVE...I can't wait to see how things turn out for 2007? Tim has requested his show for 9/15 so if the Olympia sticks with 9/30 again we should be clear on that. All I really need is to know what Stacy's plans are for us next year so I can sit down with my 2007 calendar and plan......CAN'T WAIT!

So this weekend I have nothing but more organization planned..more cleaning, getting rid of furniture...maybe even redecorating a few things in the house. I will hit the gym, do my cardio and go to Seth's socceer game. I am spending family time on Saturday evening ...all the rejuvenating things you do to get your positive energy restored!!!! anyone else on the same path??? It's supposed to be sunny and cool...beautiful fall weather...motivating to get things done!! I am feeling very blessed today...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

Driving to work today it is a preview of the ong, cold, grey, depressing winter to come! Some trees have no leaves already and the sky is grey and forboding! YIKES! Now yesterday was a different story! The leaves that are left are brilliant colors, the sky was blue and clear. The sun was out and warming things up. It was gorgeous! Welcom e to New ENgland and the unpredictability of the days!
My web master was supposed to go to Canada this week to "peep" the leaves..thank God for Devine Intervention...the ice storm in Buffalo thwarted his travels! Upon initial disgust that he was flying NORTH this time of year a day like yesterday almost had me convinced that he mayhave had something with the "leaf peeping"! Me personally...Florida is a better option at this time of year...pretty much guarenteed great weather and sunshine!

So this past weekend had me cleaning things out...my house, my clothes, my desk at work (last Friday), old bills, you name it...if it isn't serving me a positive purpose...IT'S OUT!!!! This weekend my guest room furniture is being brought to a friend who needs it for her grandchildren so that room will have to be redone! I just have this need right now to really clean out and simplify! Interesting enough my aunt and a couple friends ;did the same thing...maybe it is in the air!? Or maybe it is just "hybernation mode"? Not sure but after this weekend I am traveling again and then it will be Thanksgiving so this reorganization was much needed! I feel like I can thin clearer even! That is always necessary!
As far as training? WEll...I haven't really been hitting the iron. I have tried to maintain a double cardio schedule and a pretty clean diet. This past weekend I went off a bit andhad some wine and didn't do ALL my cardios but for the most part I have stuck to it. I have returned to kickboxing...boy, it is amazing how it always makes me feel like I have never worked out a day in my life. My wind is aweful and my joints are hrting. I already feel like I have torked my hips...I am just gonne try to be consistent with this until I have to go back to PT! I love it..it just kills me...maybe this is where I am showing my age!? Who knows?
I have been doing a little all over pump type training a ocuple times per week so far...nothing strenuous. I just don't have the motivation right now and feel like I can't fit EVERYTHNING in. My PT clients are every Tues/Thursday and Kickboxing is MON/WEd (Friday if I don't make it the other 2 days). That leaves me NO appointment time for personal appointments except for lunch! It's all good ...I feel OK about it. I feel it was more important to do the cleaning and organizing this past weekend than putting the time into the gym (2 cardios are an hour an a half of my day as it is!)
I just know that if I can keep the off season fat to a bare minimum I will be able to have the conditioning I want for my next show. That is my total concentration for next year...CONDITIONING. size isn't so important to me..reshaping my glutes and condiditoning!
gonna fly..pretend it is sunny!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

WEll it's Firday the 13th!!! It's a cold sunny day inthe Northeast but the way things have been going around here I am definately looking behind my back!!! I am sure that things can only go up from here!!

So let's start with last weekends guest appearance in Derry NH at the Northeast Tournament of Champions! Big Bill Wilmore came in on Friday and hung out in Springfield...we went to the barber, the mall (he forgot his warm clothes!), my parents for home made apple pie in his honor and to eat several times (he is still eating every 2 hours)....NOTICE, I didn't say we went to the gym!! Well...that's cuz we didn't! I wanted to train and he said he did too before he got here but then....coming off the "O" I think he is RELAX mode!! Hanging out with these big BB isn't a good influence on me!lol I was able to resist the temptation of him eating sweets...I knew I couldn't get away with that and look OK at the show the next day!!
So Saturday 10/7 arrived and we..ATE! and then jumped in the car to go north...never thinking that it was not only Columbus Day weekend but also peak Leaf Peeping time!! Goodness...the traffic was dead stop on the highway! We did get ther in time for me to judge...jsut barely! STRESS!!!! The show went off without a hitch..Maggie and Dave put on a great show with no glitches!! There was some pretty good competition too...some of the calls were very difficult to make and close! The only disappointment to me was that there were no female BB in the show at all!!! That breaks my heart! So I guess that my job of trying to prove FBB can be pretty and marketable is gonna be tough in the Norhteast!
The night show went well...I did my "Big spender" routine and got a lot of great feedback. Mnay of the women spoke to me about being afraid to be a BB till they saw me! So I am startign to plant the seed. Hopefully their boyfriends in the audience thought the same thing? There was 4 guys there in wheelchairs..talk about inspirational! They garnered a lot of attentin from MIke Katz and Bil..of course they deserved it! WE all took pictures with them. Note to self...I am SO BLESSED! Big Bill came out much after me and then at the end of his routine he called me out and we went into the crowd. The crowd was psyched and very responsive to us! Ron Harris was there snapping pictures that he later posted on his thread on Mayhem (Daily Pump). He is always so complimentary to me and I really appreciate it! We all got out of there around 10 pm! I was starved. Big Bill bought me a nice diner and we drove to Manchester where Maggie and Dave put us up. We met them at a local club but it was last call by the time we got there...Vegas this wasn't!!!! Good thing though as I was beat!
Sunday brought another beautiful sunny day...we ate breakfast and I drove Big Bill south. Before heading him to the airport for his flight we stopped in Springifeld and met up with my room mate Damaris for lunch...couldn't put the big guy on the plane on an empty stomach!!! He was off to Ireland this week for appearances!! He is more of a traveling fool than me!!
Monday found me with a full schedule of personal training. I figured I would line up the one shot appointments and schedule in the regulars! The rest of the day I picked up mom and went to the mall and then met Damaris for a movie...the DEPARTED! Real violent, typical mobster/police drama. It was good though...kept the interest and heart rate up!
So here we are on Friday getting ready for the weekend.....I don't have any plans but to clean, organize and buy groceries...big deal right!! Sounds good to me right now!
Till later

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

Hey all!! Happy HUMP Day!

I am back from Vegas...still feeling the effects of the hard work and Sin City!! Exhaustion would be the word!! I am not sure where to start with the whole Olympia experience! I think it was more exciting than actually competing in my pro debut!!
I got in on Wed before the show after almost missing my 6 am flight!!! I slept through the alarm and if is wasn't for my mom calling to see if I was on my way...I never would have got there!!! I made record time thanks to my mom's Mario Andretti driving and jumped on the plane hoping that I hadn't forgotten anything especially Big Bill Wilmore's food!!!
Upon arrival to Vegas it was a beautiful sunny , hot dry day and I jumped into my rental..an adorable PT Cruiser convertible!! Boy was that fun ride..it was all retro inside and so easy to put the top down. I didn't care if I was melting as I drove around all day cause I was thinking that it was only a matter of time before I will be complaining about the cold nasty New England weather!
I got to the host hotel and Bill had already checked in. We were not able to get a fridg in the room (which sucks!) but I immediately started feeding the machine!! The first 2 days were getting things organized for Protan and feeding Bill, greeting friends and running errands. I was able to get a good work out in on Thursday with Q from Lana's thread and hung out with he and Nida for quite a bit that day! Stacy Kaufman from Protan had also arrived and we met regularly to get things in order for our work with the athletes.
Mary Hobbs was an excellant addition to the Protan team as she was in charge of spray tanning the athletes that had signed up. This was a complimentary service from Protan for these elite athletes. Mary worked her tail off!!! Gustavo and Gunter are big boys!!!!
The press conference was held on Thursday...it was a bit long for the athletes to have to sit up there and answer questions but it was pretty exciting. I was so excited for Colette and Dena (rookies) that I was almost bursting. It realy struck me overall the actual respect and camaraderie between the athletes. The hosts; Dan Solomon and Bob Chick, were trying to get them to talk trash to each other but it was really all done in jest and you could see that the athletes really seemed to respect each other. It was cool! The Meet the Olympians was held that night and was totally packed!! It was fun to visit with the fans and people who had come in that day as well as visit with the athletes! Ronnie and Jay had lines sooo long it was crazy!
Thursday night I was up late painting Toney Freeman who looked incredible too!!! He has such a beautiful physique and is just he nicest guy. Jay Hammet and Kelly his wife were with him...again I wished I had had more time to visit with them!!!!
Friday was a big work day as we had to be at the expo early to get ready for womens' prejudge at 11 am. I made sure Bill had all his food and showed him how to heat it up on the Foreman and took off in the PT cruiser!!
The expo was definately twice the size maybe more of the one last year and real busy. It looked more like the Arnold expo this year! Working with the women backstage was just awesome...I was so inspired. There were Figure, Fitness and BB women. It seemed easy compared to our big national level shows as there were only 20 something women in each class verses 150!! It was real nice to be able to give them individual attention and really take good care of them. It was just unbelievable that we were there!! We have really progressed through this little job into making it a big deal thanks to Stacy!! The women really seemed to appreciate our help and TLC!! Hopefully that will help get us back next year!!
Friday night had us backstage at the Orleans Arena with the men's prejudge and then womens finals! This was just awe inspriring being there with the men.
The entire time Andy and Mike from Stronghold Ministreis were there to pray with the athletes and help us out!! They are the absolute best. I cannot thank them enough, especially Andy for watching over me! They are true angels and I am blessed that God has brought them to me! The criteria for the comparisions was changed and it was very exciting. They never called out more than 4 guys and always in numerical order so you never really knew who was in first or second. You had an idea of the top 4 and then next group but never sure of the exact order. It also made it harder for the athletes as they were on stage working harder and longer. They were beat and needed some attention off stage when their group was done. It was pretty cool that they kept coming right to us for advice and help. It seemd they were comfortable and really trusted us and that was also very cooooool!!!
They women's finals ended up something like this: Figure: Jenny Lynn, Amber Litteljohn, Monica Brant, top 3. Fitness: Adela Garcia, Kim Klien, Jenny Hendershot. BB: Iris Kyle, Dayana Cadeau, Annie Riveccio, Bonnie Priest, Lisa Aukland, Betty Pariso. It was real exciting!!

So Saturday found me in the expo most of the day. I had gotten Bill's food ready again for the day and cooked up or threw out the remaining steak. He hadn't gotten the call outs he would have liked but he looked unbelievable and definately bested himself. Working with Hany again was cool. He and I seem to have a pretty good system now. I so look forward to working with him again next year!!!! Hopefully we can have more clients together.
The expo was packed and many people came up to the booth to visit me; the Lana Familia was all in the house; Sage, Jax, AJ, Doc, Beth, Rick, Lisa, and sooo many more! I didn't get to visit with Luke Wood to much but he was working. (When I got home there were 2 dozen roses waiting for me from him for helping him out in Atlantic City! What a sweetheart.) We sold pretty much everything which was key!!! I was supposed to shoot with Steve Wennerstrom but I missed his call due to the noise in there!! I was disappointed about that. After the expo it was off to the Arena for the finals.
Once again...the excitement was in the air. Taking care of the pros is a really different vibe. They are definately more prepared. Not many had color issues which was a treat. It gave us the opportunity to really take care of everyone. Ronnie wasn't around the pump up area for the night show. He had his own entourage with him. Talk about exciting...Gooness!! Not for nothing..I rewspect ALL the athletes but Jay really was on and I think his win was well deserved. It was crazy excitement when he was called as first! So it went like this: Jay Cutler, Ronnie Coleman, Vic Martinez, Dexter Jackson, Melvin Anthony, Gustavo Badell. All the guys seemed to be pretty on this year. Toney cam in 7th which was totally awesome for his Olympia debut!! He looked incredible. The biggest dissappointment of my night was that Dave Henry did not make the top 15. This is pretty unbeleivable since he brought his best package yet and was totally on!! He has had awesome placings all year and definately deserved better. Big Bill didn't finish in the top 15. He was dissagpppointed but he looked unbelievable and was on stage with the best in the WORLD!!! It's hard to go from winning and being in the top 2 for years to middle or bottom of the pack...Iknow..but we are pros and have to start form the beginning. Unless you are Phil Heath..not many of us can just jump up there and start winning right away. WE all need to have an open mind and realistic mindset now!! By Sunday though big Bill was laughing and joking and jovial as usual! He is a true champion and professional, not to mention an outstanding solid man! I love this guy...he is an awesome and loyal friend!!

OK...so on to the party...the lines for food were so damn long I skipped eating (why not, I didn't eat that weekend anyway cause of no time)and just got ready to go to Lana's party at MIxx. We got there and I have to say I was a bit cranky at first (hungry, tired) but I snapped out of it when I saw all the Mayhem peeps. It was awesome hanging out with everyone! There weren't many industry peeps there as they were at their own parties. That kinda sucked but our group was so much fun that it didn't really matter. We moved onto the Empire where we thought we would have seen everyone else. Big Ron and Alti, Art and his girl, Chris Cormier and his friend were all there. Hany joined the group too. It was a fun time. Sunday was time to crash, get a late check out, pack up the food supplies from Bill;'s room and do a photo shoot!

Yes...I dragged my tired butt out of bed to do a Dessert shoot with Dan Rey. Mary Hobbs came with us and met Paco Gutierrez out there too for a shoot! I was tired but I needed to take advantage of beign in shape and being in the dessert. The pics are awesome and I am now sooo glad I went! Sunday night was low key. I wanted to hook up with Dave and Nicki but they were doing family stuff and I was so tired I just hit the bed!
Monday...it was cardio, pack and out!!!
My Olympia experience was off the chain...the only complaint is that I didn't get to visit with people like I would have liked!!
I will have my web guy post pics as soon as I can!!

Much love