Carla's Online Web Journal
It's cold and grey in the northeast today. It is predicted to get even colder by the weekend..down to only 18 degrees mid-day! You know what that means for the night! I should have gone to Tampa for this weekend like I wanted!!!!
I am officially "loopy"! The couple of grains of rice aren't fireingup the brain cells anymore! but...I am starting to look SHREDDED! I am noticing it this week in my face and upper body mostly. I feel strong and not too broken at this point. The cardio is on schedule...I have done it all! Waiting to get my adjustments today...Big boss is "pulling the plug!"...whatever that means...I have been going pretty hard so??????
I got a sushi cheat meal last was good...Nicki looked at me sunday and thought I was flat so I guess it didn't fill meout!? She also thought I had changed my shape as my quads and glutes arebigger! The goal was the glutes for sure...I guess the quads just went along for the ride..only problem is now they are seeming to overpower my hams??? No worries...she thinks I will be shredded in 4 weeks and that is the other goal so I am half way home!!!
Made contact with John Romano from MD and the people in Qatar about the IRAQ trip, "Desert Muscle" sounds like things are starting to roll. It's exciting! We have to draw up a contract for them with the 5 W's (who, what, ewhen, where...)...I feel like this really may happen! I guess it is not too much of a problem to get to an R&R base in Qatar but John also wants to get us into Iraq to really show our support and so he can photodocument how the troops stay fit out there.
My webmaster tells me that before he takes his break he will try to get the newsletter out...maybe this keep an eye out!
I'll keep you all posted...until next time!
It's cold and grey in the northeast today. It is predicted to get even colder by the weekend..down to only 18 degrees mid-day! You know what that means for the night! I should have gone to Tampa for this weekend like I wanted!!!!
I am officially "loopy"! The couple of grains of rice aren't fireingup the brain cells anymore! but...I am starting to look SHREDDED! I am noticing it this week in my face and upper body mostly. I feel strong and not too broken at this point. The cardio is on schedule...I have done it all! Waiting to get my adjustments today...Big boss is "pulling the plug!"...whatever that means...I have been going pretty hard so??????
I got a sushi cheat meal last was good...Nicki looked at me sunday and thought I was flat so I guess it didn't fill meout!? She also thought I had changed my shape as my quads and glutes arebigger! The goal was the glutes for sure...I guess the quads just went along for the ride..only problem is now they are seeming to overpower my hams??? No worries...she thinks I will be shredded in 4 weeks and that is the other goal so I am half way home!!!
Made contact with John Romano from MD and the people in Qatar about the IRAQ trip, "Desert Muscle" sounds like things are starting to roll. It's exciting! We have to draw up a contract for them with the 5 W's (who, what, ewhen, where...)...I feel like this really may happen! I guess it is not too much of a problem to get to an R&R base in Qatar but John also wants to get us into Iraq to really show our support and so he can photodocument how the troops stay fit out there.
My webmaster tells me that before he takes his break he will try to get the newsletter out...maybe this keep an eye out!
I'll keep you all posted...until next time!