Welcome to my Journal..

This is where you will find the latest on my training, writings, fitness tips, diets, competitions,
and in general, what may be going on with me.

Check back to this section of the website as often as you like to catch the latest on my schedule and appearances.



Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Carla's Online Web Journal


It's cold and grey in the northeast today. It is predicted to get even colder by the weekend..down to only 18 degrees mid-day! You know what that means for the night! I should have gone to Tampa for this weekend like I wanted!!!!

I am officially "loopy"! The couple of grains of rice aren't fireingup the brain cells anymore! but...I am starting to look SHREDDED! I am noticing it this week in my face and upper body mostly. I feel strong and not too broken at this point. The cardio is on schedule...I have done it all! Waiting to get my adjustments today...Big boss is "pulling the plug!"...whatever that means...I have been going pretty hard so??????

I got a sushi cheat meal last Saturday...it was good...Nicki looked at me sunday and thought I was flat so I guess it didn't fill meout!? She also thought I had changed my shape as my quads and glutes arebigger! The goal was the glutes for sure...I guess the quads just went along for the ride..only problem is now they are seeming to overpower my hams??? No worries...she thinks I will be shredded in 4 weeks and that is the other goal so I am half way home!!!

Made contact with John Romano from MD and the people in Qatar about the IRAQ trip, "Desert Muscle"...it sounds like things are starting to roll. It's exciting! We have to draw up a contract for them with the 5 W's (who, what, ewhen, where...)...I feel like this really may happen! I guess it is not too much of a problem to get to an R&R base in Qatar but John also wants to get us into Iraq to really show our support and so he can photodocument how the troops stay fit out there.
My webmaster tells me that before he takes his break he will try to get the newsletter out...maybe this weekend...so keep an eye out!

I'll keep you all posted...until next time!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Carla's Online Web Journal



Hey all! Well..winter finally has hit..we actually got freezing temperatures and snow this week. I can't really complain as it's been so mild but.....I'm ready for some sunnny weather!
My physical therapist states that she doesn't see anything else out of line but she really doesn't think it is a good idea to go back to Kickboxing...at least to kick!? She states that my hips seem to be very sensitive to going out of alignment....my massage therapist is out of commission with a pulled back but fortunately enough I have found a girl at the gym who wanted to barter services. Lisa M. Gilbert is a massage and spa expert and has been exchanging massage for training sessions so this is holding me over and helping me out!!! She is very convenient as she is right at the gym and is VERRRRY relaxing!
I trained at a different location this week with my friend, Christina, who is getting ready for her first figure competition! It's always good to have a fresh atmosphere for training...only problem was that the stair master was broken!! I have been on that thing every night for my second cardio and I think my glutes are really showing it..of course it can be somewhat crippling but...I am gonna OWN that machine when I am finished! Diet is good...as good as it gets...I think I am tapping into the fat and glycogen stores cause I am feeling a bit dippy and a little emotional...maybe it's just PMS...who knows? Some sushi wouldn't suck! I am gonna have Berto take pics tonight to get to Tim....I felt like my lower abs are tightening up and my lower back too... at least I hope so...I am definately flat this week but that is where I should be...I just hope I can get crispy this time!!!!!!

So another weekend of blah!!! I don't have PT clients tonight so just train back and cardio, tan, eat, shower, bed! Clients tomorrow morning after cardio....groceries...more cardio.....that's it! Weather is supposed to be cold and windy but at least partly sunny! Maybe I will hit the amll....shopping is always good!

My webmaster is out of commission for a few weeks as well so please be patient...hopefully things will be working back to normal soon with that!!! I have been waiting still for correspondence from the middle east...my emails got sent back so I tried again!!! I want to get this trip going!!!!
Am I belly aching???? OK...enough...
Until next time!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Carla's Online Web Journal


I have been neglectful again! My webmaster has been too! My January Newsletter will be coming along with travel pics from Miami and some new galleries!

The New Years Resolutioners are abound and I am no different at this point. Although I hate to set resolutions just to let them go by the way side after a few weeks/months...I prefer to see the new year as a time to adjust some habits that will be able to be kept and better my life...always growing, always changing, always moving closer to being in the LIGHT 100% of the time! Living is a progression and always a learning experience...growth...just like every spring....everyday should be like a spring day...forever new beginnings and new growth!

John Romano put me in his column in MD for this month (Feb) about our trip to Iraq! I have had people ask me about it but the only problem is gthat he has not called me back regarding it so I am ON HOLD! Lot's of aspects of my life feel ON HOLD, eaiting on others before I can continue on something...I guess that is a part of me learning PATIENCE, right!?

OK..talking about Spring! I cannot complain about he weather so far this winter...the temperature has been mild and there has been NO snow! It's almost eerie??? I guess the cold weather is about to hit this week but so far it's been unseasonably mild...problem is however...there are grey days strung several in a row to the point where all I feel like doing is staying in bed. I don't even feellike eating half the time (who wants that damn chicken, right?). I've had many days off around the holiday season which has been very restful...I have been training and prepping for the Sacramento Pro..easy to stay on a daily schedule...get the house clean and organized...throw out old clothes and get things in order...redecorate a few things..it's been very domestic but now....I am starting to get itchy...huge LACK of motivation as of late..soldiering on through injuries (hip displacement)...plugging through workouts and cardio...being hungry...just falling into bed at 8 pm..not going out, not socializing, not even wanting to!!!

I think I need a little boost...I know that the next 6 weeks till my show will fly! It's good and then travel starts for BB...I am looking forward to MANY opportunities this year and can't wait to see how life unfolds..I feel like EVERYTHING is brand new....not sure why...my friend Lana tells me God has a hold on me??? Maybe!!! Its good...I am calm and content for the most part...I know this lack of motivation will leave and I will be revved up again. It just goes with the territory but sometimes it's a lonely journey...a little push would be awesome...always being the cheerleader is sometimes exhausting!
I don't want to sound like I am complaining because I really am blessed!
Once the SUN comes out I will feel better!
I will try to get on here more often and be better about logging in!
Hope it's sunny where you are!