Welcome to my Journal..

This is where you will find the latest on my training, writings, fitness tips, diets, competitions,
and in general, what may be going on with me.

Check back to this section of the website as often as you like to catch the latest on my schedule and appearances.



Thursday, April 26, 2007

Spring has finally arrived in the Northeast...it's a little cold today but the days have gotten very warm and bright, the flowers are popping, the trees are budding, everythign is pink and yellow and light green..my allergies are full force!!!!lol It's definately helpful for remembering how grateful we should be everyday!!!

It's funny how life can change quickly...you might think you are ready for whatever it brings and you may feel strong but sometimes it just catches up to you...takes you by surprise..you try to focus on the light and positive but sometimes you still find yourself struggling...being present sometimes doesn't feel so pleasant and you find yourself wishing for time to pass...I guess I just have to say...be with it, be in the present, even if it isn't pleasant...it will pass and there is a lesson to learn..try to learn it..try to focus on it....you will be stronger for it..just perservere...the light will come again!

Be brave...make the choices that will bring you positve light and energy...if it feels hard it will be a lesson worth learning....


Saturday, April 07, 2007

WEll....it's Spring but it still feels like winter this past week..it actually snowed mid-week...not to be discouraged though...Spring will come...we will all just hae to WILL it!

I spent the past few days earning some money working Vyotech Demos at the malls....I hadn't been inthe GNC stores inmonths and it was good to catch up with the staff in the stores....after my last demo today I met up with Lori and Anthony Steele. Lori is 10 weeks out from Jr. Nats and looking ON TIME! They came down form NH for the day to pose, train and eat sushi!!! I have to hand it to Lori...she is making hte transition from tigure to BB quite well...having put on some well earned muscle she will be coming in at the top of her weight class...it's gonna be a fun ride for her!!!

Life is just so interesting..you NEVER know what will happen from one day to the next...who will come and and out, where you will go and what opportunities will arise....I feel so much clarity and so ready to recieve the goodness of life...

Mom goes to Florida next week adn Nicki comes in for a week long visit. Off to the NY MET next weekend to work Protan and WE ARE OFF!!!

Happy EAster all..remember why we are celebrating this holiday...it's all about rebirth!!! Let's hope we all have one!!


Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Can you believe it is almost Easter??? I loove Easter time...it is just all spring and pretty and full of hope!!!

I just feel great! I went to my girls weekend with my college girlfriends this past weekend in the Jersey shore. WE went to a friends paretns house at the beach and ate, visited, rode bikes, ate, got spa treatments, ate!!!!! It was really nice to know that no matter what happens with life's turns there are women out there that will accept you even if they don't agree with you....there is always a place to go if you need to...I am blessed ot have these women. Ifeel like there will be days int he long future when we are old that we will be seeking each other for comfort or just to visit....it's a very warm feeling. I always felt so different form them since I am not married with kids and a house and settled...but his year I felt like we really are all the same..jsut living life and going through the struggles that everyone goes through...it was very different and nice.

I am feeling very strongly that my life is going to be changing for the better...I am ready for this and it feels liberating. I am so blessed to have what I have and the oportunities and lessons that have come to me and keep coming. I am hopeful that new things are on a close horizon...I'll keep you posted!

BB travels will be starting this month..first stop is NYC for the NY Met on 4/14 and then it is on to the Jr. USA's in Charleston.....it's heating up and I cna't wait. My official structured eating and training will resume on 5/1/07...after speaking with Tim it looks like Atlantic City Pro 2007 is where I will be next. He is so selfless in regards to us...even though it's his show day and we should be with him he wants to make it work for us to be where it is best for us! I know my mom is happy as she is loking forward to going again!!

There has been more correspondence with the troops in IRAQ about he Desert Muscle project...they are startign to talk abou tdates so things are loking like they are moving! I will keepyou all posted on this exciting venture!

Stay warm and know that the promise of spring is here!!