I have been trying to blog since last weekend from Teen/Masters Nats but it kept getting kicked out??? I guess it is working now however I lost tons of material.
Just a quick recap: Congrats to my boy Alberto taking a 3rd in his first National level show and to Shelly (4th) and Debbie (1st). They all are champions and looked fantastic!! E had a blast hanign out together in Pittsburg; training with BOUNCE and hanging out with Big bill, Jennifer, Krissy Murrell, GeneX among others. Met new people from Mayehm; Gerry T, Meredith, AJ Simms and Chris Rice (colliegent champ. Visited with Dena Westerfield, Colette Nelson and Dave Palumbo. It exciting to see the girls getting ready for Europa and then we will all be on stage together. Lots of fun in Pitts..looking forward to Vegas and my birhtday!
Which leads me into....I leave tomorrow for Vegas for the USA's. Nicki will be driving in with Dave andmeetingme there. She has been gone since the 19th and is loving AZ!!! So happy for her. I have a feeling it will be a whirlwind of excitement there. We work our regualr Protan gig and will be trying to party a bit as it is OUR birthday! We are going to see "O" by Cirque Deli Solie on Sunday night. Hoepflly get some pool time in on Sunday and Monday. Lana gets in on Friday and will hang with us the rest of the time. It should be a blast.I am really looking forward to it. I will see Tim and Brandie as she is ocmpeting but it will be great to see them in person!! I always love to see them. Of course all this will go down with me still doing my cardios, training an ddieting (unless I get a cheat!!).
I will be 8 weeks out for Atlantic City! I am really starting to get excited. I am glad I am not doing the Europa..too much pressure with all the travel and I want it to be fun. My heart was into debuting in Atlantic City!! so I followed my heart! I have gotten such a good reception form the other female pros so far. Probably cuz I am so small I am not a threat. They are really welcoming and cool. Joanna Thomas emailed me today and said that I need to keep myself looking jus tlike I do. She thinks it's the perfect look for FBB. She is bringing her look down to match! She said she would love to stand on the ARnold stage with me...THE ARNOLD STAGE!!!! That is just a crazy thought! She is so cool to say that to me!
I was training legs today and in between sets of squats, my heart was racing. I could feel it pounding in my chest and my muscles all felt tight. I said to myself: "I feel like I am getting ready for a BB show!"> WOW!!!!! Feeling good!
I may have an opportunity to go to the North Americans but I am not sure I want to travel a week out. I won't have to work so it would be an easytrip. My girl Shelly is doing it among others. I guess I will have to see how I feel. God only knows I worked a protan gig one weekout from Masters Nats and won the whole thing.
Anyway..maynot check in until I get home...have a great weekend everyone!! Holla on the 31st!!!!!