I arrived inTampa, Florida yesterday to work at my trainers show, Hurricnae Bay Bodybuilding Championships. I was so busy this week getting prepared to comehere!! Whew! Glad I am here.
Tampa was beautiful and sunny yetserday, still summer-like hot and of course, pop-up showers like only florida has! Tim (my trainer) was waiting for me at the airport and we went to the gym.
Body Tech fitness Emporium was bustling with people and activity. MImi (my friend and inspriation for first starting to compete) gretted us once we got there. I trained, prepped my food for the next day and got ready for a photo shoot with my webmaster, Roger Cox.
He brought me to a great little studio in S.Tampa where we shot some very artistic/dramatic shots with Cliff. cliff definately has an "eye" for photography and a great sense of humor. Psychiatrist by day and photographer by passion. Don't we all have several different types of jobs in order to be able to pursue our passions?!
Then onto the the Team Body Tech meeting at the gym. The aerobics studio was filled to capacity with competitors and their support staff. Everyone posed and got their last minutes adjustments for this weekend and then for the weeks to follow. As always a storng feeling of community and family reign at Body Tech. It wlways makes me wished I lived closer!!
Today I will train and work on my guest posing routine. I am anxiously awaiting the Road To The Pros to arrive (IFBB Pros, Michelle Davis and Starling Steele). I am excited to see how this "filming" goes and what will happen next!!!!
Welcome to me "fabulous journey!!"
Have a great one!