18!!!! MORE DAYS! Then I get to be in sunny Southern California!! It has taken a turn back to WINTER, here in the northeast. Good Lord, just blink your eyes and the weather changes...DRASTICALLY!!!!
No worries, I will be enjoying myself in warm weather very soon! this is a good time of year to be looking forward to a trip to warm weather. Usually I head down to se my peeps in Forida so this year it is different for me!! TOTALLY exciting!
Spoke with Shawn Ray yesterday about future opportunities in the industry. I have to thank him for looking out for me! I never could have imagined 6 years ago that I would be talking business or becoming friends with the pros I have been recently. Life is truely imazing when you think about it!! it really just goes to show how down to earth most of the athletes are in this industry. I guess there is so little glamour and money that why not be, right!!!
All my best to Lana Dora and her family. She is truely a bright spot and an inspiration!! I am blessed to be a part of her Mayhem family for sure!
Well all, I know you are getting ready for Superbowl, all that chili and chicken wings and such!!!!
Talk to ya soon!