Welcome to my Journal..

This is where you will find the latest on my training, writings, fitness tips, diets, competitions,
and in general, what may be going on with me.

Check back to this section of the website as often as you like to catch the latest on my schedule and appearances.



Monday, August 28, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

Hello all!!

I'm back form the Europa and ready to kick ass for the next 4 weeks. It was awe inspiring to see the women on stage and just walking around all weekend. I have to say that I DID NOT feel ready around them!! SEeing the newer pros that I have competed with was great and seeing the older pros who have been competing for years was just....OH MY GOD! There were moments when I was watching them perform their mandatories solo that I thought"What am I gettingmyself into???" Not only am I not in that league but I am not sure if I want to be?? Then they called out the top 5 and it was such an inconsistent bunch of physiques that I felt like..."OK, this is a crap shoot!...It is what it is and so ...let's just go!!" There was no consistencies in the physiqures but there were 2 newer pros in top 3 with qualifications for the O. It made me wonder...are they trying to bring fresh blood into the sport, a new look? Not sure what was behind the caall but anything can happen and it doens't really matter who the top 5 is...they are all champions and pros! I also realized that probably the most improtant thing to do up there is present yourself like you belong there...like you are a professional! Bring the positive mojo to the stage and ju;st make them love you!!! No matter what happens there is plenty of fan support.
All the girls that qualified will still be competing in Atlantic City as well as Betty Pariso, Cathy Priest , Marja Liehenton and who know who else. It will be a stacked line up for sure. Everyone gets to poise so my routine will be importnatn and not matter what mymom will get o see my routine! So...all in all...my fear dissapated as the evening wore on.
It was nice to see so many friends in the sport. I roomed with Debbie Bramell and she is just awesome. With both of us dieting and doing cardio we stayed totally on track (of course she does less cardio than me!). i did n't really get caught up on any sleep. Although I didn't party I was up every morning by 6:30 to go train and do cardio and then to get on the plane howm (5:30). Need less to say, I am tired. Idefinately need a day when I can just sleep until I can't anymore and then do cardio. Phsyically my body feels good, no hurts and pains but mentally I am a bit delusional. I get real spacy and REAL hungry!! It's hard to multi-task at this point?

My night show suit was waiting for me when I got home along with some free suppliments from a company called HYTECH who have awesome thermogenics! I absolutely love my suit but the top is too small...imagine that!? I called Maggie (maggiefit.com) and she is going to adjust it! It's gorgeous. It's cherry red velvet with blue/green stones and crystals! She did an awesome job!
Big Bill was in Texas woo...dietng and trianing as well. While we were there we spoke with Maggie and Dave about our guest posing appearances at their show after the Olympia. all arrangements are made and it's confirmed. Bill wants us to both be on stage together...that oughta be interesting. I told him it would be the Beauty & the Beast!!! he-he
My mom and feeling pretty good and getting excited to go to AC! My dad is well too but he doens't usually make the trip. I am feeling so blessed that mom has recovered from her last bout of the penumonia. It's always scary when she gets sick!

My girl Nicki will be heading out for good a week form today. Her going away party is this Sunday night. I am gonna try not to think about it...OK I gotta go (sniffles)

I feel like I am forgetting something...


Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

WEll, well,well!!! It's hump day!! My work week will be over after today. i head out for Europa tomorrow. Debbie Bramwell will be coming in and meeting me there as we are sharing expenses. I can't wait to see the girls!!!! I amvery excited to see them compete, watch them pose, get scared...no, not really! GET INSPIRED!!!!! It will beawesome to get away. i have been home for 3 weekends now and am a little bit itchy to get outta here!! It will actually feel like a vacation since I don't have to work...AT ALL!!! I just have to train, do cardio (day off Sunday!) and have fun! i get a cheat meal on Saturday so....I am psyched for that, very ready! No carbs before or after but it will be worth it.

My training and cardio has been on schedule. I haven't missed a thing. My diet is on scheudle too. I am feeling a lot leaner...still want to be harder (maybe I am just flat?) I have my tired days however, it goes with the territory.

It's been beautiful summer weather here...I am dreading the change to winter. Fall is OK...but winter...YUK! I NEED the sun. I know you guys are sick of hearing that on here.

I will chcek in again later!!!
Big Italian Hugs

Friday, August 18, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

Glad it's Friday..gotta get OUT in the SUN!!!! Of course it's supposed to rain this weekend. My trainer told me I was looking pale!! It's the end of summer and I am PALE..this is a testament to how much I have worked this summer./..I haven't seen outside except for one day last week!!! My 2-3 days int eh tanning booth just isn't cuttingit. I am gonna make sure I get out in the sun if there is any.
Anyone want to come work my job and do mychores??? I am taking offers!!! I need to relax..kick back...get a tan!!! Where are the sugar daddy's?????? This independant working woman stuff is CRAP!
OK...rant over!
The food is little and the hunger pains are big!! The glutes/hams and lower back are starting to tighen up so much from all the cardio that I am slow moving in the morning and the little emotional moods are cropp[in gup...I guess all this means that the show is gettingclose!!?? I feel like I look small and smooth...I guess everything must be right on target then...right!??lol
I need to really remember what my web guy told me today...that the whole reason I am competing this year and how Ihave gotten here are totally different than many that will be there...just getting this far is an honor and an accomplishment..gracing the stage with the level of athlete is just unimaginable!!! I will have an awesome time...it will be something I remember the rest of my life and a great story to tell my grandchildren (well maybe my friends grandchildren??)I willl go to Europa next week to suppor the women, get motivated and inspired to make my pro debut (notice i didn't say scared)...my head will be straight and it will be an awesome journey!!! I also have to figure out how to keep this 6 week out body ...I like it best!! (I guess that is a no brainer...starvation and tons of cardio!)

I miss my family in NH and I miss Sue and her boys next door...but they come home from their summer away this Sunday so at least they will be around (so will all the food they carry with them!!!yikes!)I am feeling the need to be social, visit with friends and family, cook meals and be domestic...oh-oh!!!! That doesn't sound good, must be the dileria setting in from no food!!!

OK all...best I getta goin!
Peace out
PS: For anyone in my area; I will be featured on the Channel 40 news on 8/21/ at 5:30 during the sports.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

Morning all!!! Hope it is a sunny MOnday wherever you are!!

I had a real laid back weekend. I did a lot of chores, brought mo to the stores, did some gardening, watered the lawn, did laundry, cooking, cleaning and ..FINALY GOT TO THE BEACH FOR THE DAY ON SUNDAY! I just laid around and did NOTHING all day! I need about 3 more days being nurished by the sun!!!
It felt great not to do anyting but make my food and do my cardio! I have read thorugh all my magazines and 2 books so you know that cardio is starting to take it's tool but as long as I have something to keep my mind off the cardio itself it is cool..I have found myself doing extra cardio sometimes if I am into what I am reading. It has been so nice out that I did some cardio outside..evethough it is tougher on my shins and feet it feels good to feel the fresh air and sunshine!
Last week Tim upped my carbs through the whole weeka nd I got a sushi cheat on Friday (which I took alone as there was no one around to eat dinner with me!). Today the carbs go back to 50 g for the day. I guess whatever energy I had will be kinda gone?? I feel like I have plateaued again but I guess everyone ele feels like I have tightened up? Who knows??
I finaly got a new printer this weekend too..it was tax free shopping weeekend so I figured...better now than never..I got a photsmart printer so I can print pics right off my computer and once I get a new camera I can put the memory card or camera right into the printer without my computer! Now I jnow what you all are thinking..I never can figure this technology out? WEll..people, have faith! I am gonna figure this stuff out..watch! I just may need a few days of not working the day job (since I stil don't have things hooked up!)!!

OK all...gotta go to real work! ugh!!!
Have a great day

Monday, August 07, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

Here we are on a MONDAY again!!!! I feel like I never left this place nor have stopped working!!! The weather broke this weekend and it was the PERFECT summer weekend. Wehre was I you ask????? In several different malls throughout MA & CT doing Vyotech Demos!!! Yes, that' right folks...double cardios, low calories and worked ALL weekend!!! One good thing however is that since Vyotech has finally brought it's fat burners out for women and I am looking lean...I sold them in every store and yesterday I sold out!!!! Now I just need some travel expenses and maybe I will feel better about spending my weekend free time working!!!! Sorry for the rant...I am a bit tired I guess!

So it was my first weekend home since the beginning of July...got only a little bit of chores done around my house since I worked all weekend. I did celebrate my birthday with my aprents yesterday! They are soooo sweet...cooked me a filet ont he grill and steamed veggies... no cake (not even for them) and of course they are sooo generous with me and what they give me!!! I am so blessed to have them with me still....this is whey I am still here in the Northeast...braving the winters and boredom...to be with them!!!

Hoepfully this weeke witll be a little more low key..still gotta work my day job and train my clients andmyself but...no plans to go anywehre or do any work this weekend. Maybe I can get to the beach????Watch it rain!! The forcast is actually predicting a sunny dry weekend as it is raining today...I guess we will have to wait and see!!

I miss Sue and the boys...they will be home in a couple weeks though and I haven't gotten up to Maine yet???!!!

Debbie Bramwell will be sharing expenses with me at teh Europa...she just made her plans to come in so that should be cool. We will both be dieting and doing cardio so it will be easy to be room mates!!! I am really excited to se thegirls and support them!!
OK all...I gotta go to work!! Have a sunny Monday!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

Well we are int he middle of a heat wave like New England has never seen!!!! They are keeping the seniors in and closing the day care centers!!! It's pretty crazy. I got home from Vegas and it was as hot here as there so it didn't seem to extreme to me but...since I only have AC in my bedroom and kitchen it's pretty claustrophobic in the rest of my house!! I have been doing my cardio like normal...first thing int he am on my friends treadmill next door. She has the treadmill in her basement which is normally cool without AC but lately it is just downright DAMP! I feel like I can feel the mold just crawling on me as I am down there...I might have to suck it up and go to the gym tomorrow (that means up a half hour earlier!)
I have been trying to catch up on my sleep and just when I feel somewhat normal I get tired! I even fell asleep during my deep tissue massage last night. Normaly ther eis no way I can do that as my massage thereapist goes very deep and it usually hurts a bit! I couldn't even talk I was so out of it!!! Either I am getting too old for Vegas or I can't stay up late like I used to!!!! LOL
So it's Thursday and I have pretty much trained on schedule. I want to try to hit the gym at lunch time over the next couple days as I have demos for Vyotech this weekend and that will cut into my after work time!! Boy, I wished I could just go to the beach and lounge around for a weekend. Sue and her boys (my best friend next door who is like my sister) have been gone all summer to Maine and they want me to go up. I want to go so bad but first I have to find the time and second I have to mentally prepare myself as all they do up there is EAT!!!!! Not necessarily junk either but when you are lounging around and a bit bored that's what you want to do...EAT!!! So anyway..I have to look at teh schedule and see??? I miss them a ton that's for sure. I get a kid fix everyday from seeing them next door and it's real quiet without them around!!!!
OK all..time to get to work!!

Fill your day with positive light and stay cool!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

I'M BAAAACK! Good Lord. It is as hot here as it was in Vegas!! Just home from the USA's weekend~ WOW!

Got there last Thursday to find out that the hotel had NO airconditioning. Yes, people, It was HOT!!! They were "working on it" I kept being told and it did get better but the first 2 days were...pretty DAMN HOT!!!! Not that it isn't bad en ough to walk outside and feel like a hot blow dryer was hitting your face but you felt the same thing when you opened the door to your room!!! WE got through it though..weigh-ins, prejudgeing ( over 350 athletes' 190 of which were figure!) and the finals on Saturday night. I kept on target until Saturday at which point I only got one cardio in. I stuck to the diet though and was handsomely rewarded with 2 cheat meals on Sunday and one on Monday. Tim is happhy with how I am looking He feels I am on target and after this week of going back down to low carbs he wants to cycle my carbs. That will be a bit different. I am anxious to see how it works.
The show was a good one. The athletes were off the chain. The overall winner was Omar Deckard and MIchael ERgas got the second pro card. For the women, Heather Policky won the overall and IFBB pro status. She looked the best I have seen her. She just missed the overall last year and lost to Amanda Dunbar so I am sure she was happy with this victory. I amnot sure about the figure girls or how they placed. Except the a Brandie looked the best I have seen her and she took a 14th. I think the figure girls looked better at this show than any other one all year. I am not sure why but they were on target more than ever.
My bella Lana came in on Friday and stayed with me. She is an angle and I love her. I am so blessed that God has crossed our paths. She set up a great party on Saturday night at Mix which is located in The Hotel. It was an awesome set up and the peoples were in rare form. Lana, Leighanna, Q, Me, NIcki, Dave, MIke MOrris and Nida, a few competitors, Debbie Bramwell and her people, Phil Heath and is girl, Hany and Dana and Ray Arde and his girl all showed up later. PEople jsut kept coming in. It was a blast. We carried the party over to an after hours place called the Empire. Before you know it Gary Strydom joined the party and it was day light! That's how it happens in Vegas!!! Some people left there and were going to REHAB at the Hardrock...no way!!! I had to get some sleep!
Tim and Brandie met up with me, NIcki and Dave Henry to buy us birthday lunch. My first cheat meal; Cheeseburgers! It was awesome to spend time with Tim and Brandie...they are great people and so happy together. Tey even brought me and NIcki gifts. They are so cute!!!WE strolled around the Dessert Passage mall for a bit before heading back to the hotels to take a nap and get ready for our night out. We met up later and had dinner at Sensi in the Bellagio and then went to see "O". It was awesome...like an acid trip. So creative and different. It was an awesome way to celebrate our birthays. By the time we got out it was passed midnight so it was officialy our bitthday so we went and got cake and coffee. Lord knows we didn't need another drink! It was a special night out with my Leo sister and her man and Lana Dora!!! Mom Salotti bought the dinner. I am so blessed. Lana really got to know Nicki and Dave and I am happy about that. I have a feelign me and Lana will be friends for a long time!
Monday rolled around and it was just a lazy day. I was back on track with the diet and cardio. Lounged around by the pool with Lana. Mike and Nida until we had to check out. Boy I couldn't used a few more days of that I tell ya!!! Once Kimo came to get Lana, I left with Dave and Nicki and we went to train at teh Golds and I did another cardio. We then took showers and went out for my last cheat meal and our true birthday dinner!!! Don't ask me why but I thought that the Pink Taco would be a cool place to go. HOmemade margaritas and fresh food. Well halfway through dinner I started getting astomach ache...bad idea to have Mexican food and tequila!!!! Especialy since I can't tell you the last time I had it!! I had to go back to Nicki and DAve
s room before they brought me to the airport! I was miserable but I got on the red eye and here I am!!! I feel a bit better now but still exhuasted!!!
I gotta say ..one of the highlights of my trip was training at Gold's on Friday while Mimi Jabalee was putting Colette Nelson through a leg workout. Colette is 4 weeks out form the Europa and boy was it motivating to watch them work!! I got so jazzed that I was flying 40 lb. dumb bells like nothing!! Amanda Dunbar was there too. Thre was electricity in the air!! I wished I had people like that aroudn mroe. It's so motivating. MImi told me when I go to Atlanta to visit my friends that I will have to call them to train!! I was like..ABSOLUTELY. she doens't need to tell me twice!!
On a whole it was a great eekend...great friends...hard work...tons of motivation..lots of "deep" conversations..friendships made solid..a couple relaxing moments (wished I could say whole days!).
Until later