Welcome to my Journal..

This is where you will find the latest on my training, writings, fitness tips, diets, competitions,
and in general, what may be going on with me.

Check back to this section of the website as often as you like to catch the latest on my schedule and appearances.



Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

Hey all!!!

Hope everyone had a great long Memorial Day weekend!! Prayers and thanks to those who risk their lives for our freedom everyday!!!!!
I have been very lazy with my computer work!! I spent most of the weekend doing chores around my house, laundry, gardening, cleaning, changing clothes over....these things tend to get away from you when you aren't home fore weeks on end!!! I wished I could afford a personal assistant!!! Anyway, things are in good order so I can depart on my next trip....I will be heading out to Tampa/Sarasota on Thursday! I also spent some good family time with moms and pops, going to the garden center and grilling out. Mom is really excited to be coming to my show this year. She has missed so many of them and gets all excited for it so...we started planning her joining me in Atlantic City!

I did have teh opportunity to work with a kid in my gym who is preparing for a show this weekend and ultimately the Teen Nationals, Alberto! he is very impressive and has an awesome work ethic; which is what made me agree to work with him a bit. He asked me for help with his routine but really didn't need it. He has it on point and I wished I was going to be around to see him comete this weekend. He has been working with Dante in the off season and Tropinin for contest prep. He is very smart and driven. it's hard to believe a 19 year old can do so well following directions when most adults I deal with can't remember one thing I tell them!!!!
Since he has worked with Dante and David Henry is Dante's biggest success story I figured it would be cool for Alberto to meet Dave. Dave was in town all last weeke visiting with Nicki so I called them up and Dave was nice enough to stop over to meet Alberto. Dave's the coolest!!! Hoepfully it was inspirational for Alberto too!!

I have kept up my cardio schedule and been training well. I did take yesterday off from training. I just "felt" like it!!! I will be kicking it today at lunch time since I have a new client tonight and then my second cardio.

Alright all!! I will check in from Florida and keep you all posted!!
Train hard and eat lean!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

It is starting to look and feel like summer her in the Norhteast! It's beautiful and bright and will almost 80!!! It's about time...it just makes the mood soooo much better.

My training has been spot on, I have hit the double cardios daily and have been hitting the diet correct! I am just starting to see lines in my shoulders and back and my top 2 abs are definately there. The only crazy thing is that the scale says I haven't dropped any weight???? I do feel kind of tired though. That alarm clock goes off at 6 am and I just looked at it...unusual for me as I normally just jump out of bed.

I have been slowly getting organized around my house, job, etc...it will definately take me the next 2 weeks and this long weekend to do so. I have soooo much computer work (downloading pictures, etc..) that it is overwhelming for me. My web master is going on vacation , I am sure he needs it!!...so nothing will be updated until June. It feels a bit weird to be home and not on the road cooking some un-Godly amount of food in a hotel room!!!! but it feels good.

I am looking forward to heading down south to the Central Florida District in Sarasota and seeing my Tampa family as well!!! That will be a nice trip and one I won't have to worry about bring a whole cooler for. My hosts, Son and Kirsten are alwys so good about feeding me and keeping me on my diet when I am there. It's like a vacation when I don't have to bring my food (or someone elses) with me!!

I have to giev a shout out to my mayehm family...Lana's threaders!! They are awesome, there is always something thought provoking, lots of respect and warm feelings. I can't wait to get to see a bunch of them in Chicago!! Lana is the best, sincere, loyal and really down to earth! It's weird feeling so close to people you have only seen a couple times. I guess maybe it is easier for people to communicate without seeing each other sometimes. There's amazing things being said on that thread. OK enough...

I heard for Big Bill last night. He is was on his way to Cali and will be shooting with Chris Lund and guest posing this weekend at the Cal. I miss his silly ass...got so used to having him around! Hoepfully he will be able to negotiate a deal with Dave Follensbee to guest pose at the New Hampshire show in Oct. That will be cool.

My other bit of news is that it looks like I will be doing food prep for Danielle Hollenshade at the Team U. She earned her pro card in figure at that very show last year!! She is beautiful chekc out her site; danillehollenshade.com

Well all, gotta go train on my lunch hour today. I am meeting up with my room mate, Damaris, my girl Nicki and her man David Henry for sushi tonight (I will be eating sashimi Tim, don't worry!).
have a great rest of your day!!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

WHEW!!!! Big Bill breaks into the top 5 two weeks in a row!!!! Phenomn Phil Heath wins 2 in a row!! The spring shows are definately making statements about the state of BB. They are choosing the more "streamlined look" and the rookies are making an impact! It is very interesting!

So NYC was the site of the NY Pro and I arrived to do food prep for Big Bill Wilmore on Thursday! Weekend #2, seemed to be a little easier (maybe just into the routine of it). The Big man choked down another crazy amount of food to be fuller, hareer and drier than the previous weekend. Hany kept a close eye on the progress and Voila! Great results. I was so proud to be part of "team Wilomre". He is one of the hardest working, honest guys I know in this sport and he deserves all the accolades he is geeting right now. He had a lot of friends that came to see him that he hadn't seen in years so it was a nice celebration after for him. It was also nice for me to meet these people. One of which is Michelle Robilaire (sorry about the spelling, she is a vivacious woman who had competed as a pro in the IFBB in bodybuilidng and fitness in the early 90's, and JImmy Mentis, IFBB pro who is a freind of Bill's for years. It has been my pleasure to spend time with these people!
At one point Bill turned to me and said;"I qualified for the Olympia!"...like he just had realized it. He said that he felt emotional on stage at the thought of it, perhaps more so than when he won Nationals! It must have been overwhleming for him not only to get "PAID" the first 2 times out but to also qualify for the O so quick in his new career! Many props to him and wishes for a well deserved "little" break!!
Also a shout out to Phil, Darrem, Dennis the Menace James and Dave Henry..the top 4 in front of Bill! All looking large, sharp and in charge!!
The only problem with this show is that there were so many people I wanted to spend some time with, have a quick drink or bite with and wasn't able to. People were spread out all over the city and it's hard to hook up like that! So my Mayhem crew...Luke, Kim, Doc, Beth, Godless and his sweetie!!! I wished we had more time together. Our boy Luke wasn't feeling too great so I am sure he needed to crash after the show. He looked very large and hard and his routine was beautiful...he just didn't feel so well. Big hugs out to all of you guys!!!!
King Kamali was very entertaining at the night show and brought out Dave Batistia as a Prop ( pretty big prop), that was a crowd pleaser for sure. His presentation at prejudge was a bit aggressive, in my opinion, but...I guess it gets people talking?

Besides the show I did have a chance to do cardio outside and walk around in the downtown area around ground zero. My room overlooked ground zero and everyday I was compelled to pray for the families who lost loved ones an to thank God for my blessings. I walked along he esplanade overlooking Lady Liberty and thought that I should go to Ellis Island some day. There are beautiful parks and walkways that you would never see unless you are on foot. For such a large, bustling and aggressive city there are some places of beauty and peace...how about the old church right next to the hotel and across form ground zero that didn't get touched on that fateful day...the whole area really does provoke thought...mostly of what we have to be thankful for!

I am looking forward to some down time the next couple weeks. I feel tired, satisfied but tired...a bit lonely as well. With all the people around and all the caretaking and hustling when I go to my room at night alone I feel it? Maybe it's the let down from all the excitement of travel and preping Bill and routing for friends...whatever it is I am thankful for each day and each opportunity...who knows maybe Team Wilmore will be repeating all this at the end of Sept!!!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

Hey All!!!

Since I forgot to mention it yesterday I wanted to give a shout out to Big Bill Wilmore's new clothing line!!! He is endorsing and part owner in a gym apparel line called "CHISEL COLLECTION". It is awesome looking fitness gear for men and women. They designed the shirts for the COLORADO PRO. They were fottballtype mesh shirts with their logo on the back and the Colorado info on the front!!!! Check out the gear at www.hiselcollection.com!!

It's a rainy day in the northeast. At least here in Western Ma it isn't flooding too bad but poor people in Boston need boats!!!! It's raining down in Tampa too...must be along the whole eastern seaboard!!

So the other news is that I have offici8ally started my diet/cardio/etc....for this years assault on the pro stage (GREAT!!! me and the big girls)I guess officially it starts Monday after NY but I am kicking it off this week...at least my double cardios and strict diet. Maybe I will celebrate this weekend with a meal and then "dropping the hammer" for next week!!! This way if I get a head of scheudle I won't have to suffer as much the closer it gets!! With all my travel it's a good idea. so it is 14 weeks to the Europa and 18 to Atlantic City...should be plenty of time!!!!!

Off to work...work, work, work!!!!!!


Monday, May 15, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

Hello all!!! I am back from DENVER!!! It was such beautiful weather the WHOLE time!! Sunny, dry, high in the 70's, clear skies.....to come home to this is tough. But from what I am hearing this cold, cloudy, misty day is better than the downpours and flooding that is going on around the state!!!!! so I will stop cmplaining and fill you in on the weekend!

Well, Phil Heath won his pro debut beating Darrem Charles, a seasoned pro...I believe history may have been made as well as all 3 rookies making their pro debuts were in the top 5! David Henry was 3rd, Marcus Haley was 4th and Big Bill Wilmore (who I was cooking for) was 5th. To say the least the pose down was so much fun!!! It was an absoulte thrill for me to have 4 of my friends in the top 5 along with Darrem. I helped Phil earn his pro card last July, I have helped out Marcus as well with color as he works with my trainer, Tim Gardner and then of course Big Bill hired me to do his food prep! It really was a thrill to see them all there!!!!! I have to hand it to Phil...he really bested himself and it is clear that he has a long career ahead of him. I hope he has conitnued support at home and is able to keep a humble attitude on his journey. He looked great! Congrats to them all.
This contest was like the "pretty physique" contest. All the bodybuilders (29) were in shape and beautiful. There were no real freaky men on stage. Symmetry and conditioning really were the talk of the show (besides rookie Heath upsetting seasoned veteran Charles).
At the pre-judge it looked like Darrem had the show in the beginning. All three rookies had a bit of a look of shock on their faces. I am sure they were just totally overwhelmed. At the end of pre-judge they brought Phil and Darrem out one more time, in my opinion, it was at that time that Phil over took Darrem. He was getting harder as he posed and more confident (almost to the point of disrespectful) where Darrem seemed to get a slight film over him. Of course Darrem's presentation is perfect. He is such a good poser and class act...he is just beautiful to watch. I have to give it up for Marcus Haley at night as his routine brought me to tears. He inspired me last year with his posing and I used some of his moves in my routine...I guess he just gave me some new material. Besides his actual posng he was so into his music (Christian song) that he was just lost in it and it really moved me..Thanks COMET!
Now let's discuss Mr. Wilmore...he is a giant of a man (I called him the beast this weeknd) but a gentle man through and through. He hired me to do his food prep and that I did. Let me tell you...it definately is a full time endeavor to feed a 250 lb. man!!!!! He ate every 2 hours and I mean ALL night!!!! He was his own alarm clock and would wake me throughout the night to eat!! He put alway so much food ( or at leat tried to) that I was nauseas by Saturday!!! It was all worth it though as he earn duckets his first time out as a pro...he has an excellant career ahead of him!!!!!! I had the opportunity to work with his nutritionist, Hany Rambod, and that was awesome too. He is a smart man and it was a pleasure working with him. Hopefully that connection will help grow my little business. I truely tried to do everything necessary to take any stress off Bill. Besides cooking, I ran errands, called room service, made hotel reservations for the next weeekend and took some phone calls. He said it was "priceless". I said, thats "what makes my service UNIQUE!"
Other highlights this weekend included spending some time with my trainer and his wife, Brandie. She took a third in figure in the amatuer division and is ready to take on the girls at the Jr. Nats in Chicago. She looked great and will be even better in5 weeks...you go gurl, you are the CAT's A_____!!!! lol Diana and Scott were there as well and she is looking large and in charge for sure. She will be blasting it with the girls in Chitown as well. Stay focused girl - you are gonna rock!!!!! The only problem with these weekends is that I can never spend enough time with EVERYONE!! I just wished I had been able to split in two a couple times!
My girl Nicki got in on Friday and took care of her man..Big Dave Henry brought an awesome package as well. He couldn't have been any better!!! Poor Nick though, she got a virus and ended up staying in Denver an extra night as she was too sick to get on the plane to come home!!!! Safe travels boo!! We had an awesome time SAturday night after the show. We all went to the Cheesecake factory to eat..we had some laughs I say!! Poor Bill got left on the bus..we took tricycle rides home (imagine peddling a big 250 lb guy around!!! we paid them extra), it was fun!!!

I have to mention the blessed people that keep lighting up my life at these things...Andy form Strong hold ministries and his friends, Mike, Fred and Kyle. They go to shows and help spread the word of Jesus and pray for the athletes. Andy has blessed me with awesome insight and words and it really makes me think about all that is BIGGER than this industry (and myself)!!! It is good to have these people to remind me of how blessed I am and what I need to constantly work on and pray for...thanks you so much for all you do for me and the other athletes!!!!!! We all need people on our sides like you guys!
I must also mention that DENVER is such an awesome city. They literally wash the streets every morning!!!! It is so clean, the people are super nice and the sun light even seems to be different. I remember when I went out last Juy I thought that but it was just reinforced with this trip. Shawn Ray and Mr. Taylor did an excellant job as host and promoter. He really thought of everything and took excellant care of the guests. You saw Shawn all weeeknd just pitching in to do whatever was necessary from driving the mini van to taping the stage to presenting the trophies. He did it all , tirelessly and with a smile. He earned a lot of respect from me and I am sure numerous others this weekend!!!

It was also a pleasure to hang out in the Vyotech booth for a bit with the other Vyotech athletes (mary, Lisa, Johnny, etc...). Joe Pavlik was there and is working on getting me some gear to wear as it is so awesome!!! It felt nice to be a part of that little "family" and I can't wait to do more with them!!!!!

I had some flight problems so I wasn't able to get home to have dinner with my mom for Mother's Day! It was a good thing I got her gift to her before I left. I cherish every minute I have with her, she takes so much stress off me by helping me to do little things. I am thankful for her every day...LOVE YOU MOM!!!

I feel like I am rambling!!!!! It's a bit of an adjustment from going to one of these weekends to back at home and my full time job....the mind is a little scattered...oh well...it's off this weekend for more of the same at teh NY Pro. Cooking for Big Bill and working for Protan - I will have to do some diffrent time management things and Bill may need to have some prepackaged meals this trip!!!!!

Until next time...train hard and diet wise!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

It's Wednesday...I am off to Denver tonight after work!
I have spent days getting everything I need for Bill's food prep. I spoke with guru, Hany Rambod, last night to ensure that Bill hasn't forgetten anything. I had to go get ANOTHER tenderloin as one was not enough. I also had to go on a search for no sodium granola which I ended up just making from scratch so I know what's in it!!!!

Anway I think I am all set. The only problem looks to be the extreme fluctuations in ther weather. It's cold and rainy here...it will be in the 60's and 70's in Denver during the day and dipping into the 40's at night. So that means more clothing to pack!!!!

My girl Nicki doens't get to Denver until Friday and Dave too! Tim and Brandie get there on Thursday with Diana and Scott. Thursday is Tim's birthday so hopefully we will get to celebrate!!!! he's getting OLD!!!!! lol

So I will try to check in while I am gone but if not....see ya when I return!!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

It's Monday AGAIN!!!!! and I have lots to say!

First...I am soo proud and excited that my client Susan took her class and the masters class at teh NPC New England's yesterday in Boston!!! She also took a third place at the Muscle Mania onSaturday (Personally I think she got robbed!!!). She had the best condition on stage at both shows...the more she was ont he stage the more relaxed and harder she got....it was awesome!!!! She works very hard and it has paid off...I wished every client was like Susan (the compliant client!!!). This is a woman who thought she waas "too small" to compete in the NPC!!! don't sleep on the little girls, I kept telling her!!! Besides her big win(s) in Boston, hr husband, Jim, got a treat in meeting "Jumbo" Palumbo and seeing him and Big Jay Cutler guest pose. They were both thrilled and I was too just seeing how much fun they were having!!!!!! Jay is looking huge...I mean I know he is but up close, good Lord!!! He is gigantic!!!!!!! I have to say that Colette and Dave posed together and it was so awesome! She is really creative and a beautiful poser and they were great together....another dream....they were great!

Judging that show was soooo hard. I judged Susan really harsh because I didn't want people to think I was favoring her. I put her in second...I was so happy when she won'!!!! The rest of the judging was just as hard. The figure girls and some of the mens classes...those light heavies...good God!!!! It definately gives me a different perspective of how hard it is to sit at that table!!!! I judged more towards the asthetics and totaly package but the biggest boys definately were winning! It's funny but as a judge, who you pick to win sometimes is not what happens once they get done throwing out the highest and lowest scores and tallying things up! Many of the placings were even a surprise to me! It's exhausting though.
It was great to see Maggie and Dave, Amanda Geneao and Mike Bernier but I wasn't able to see many of the people in the audience that I know!! I also met Laura Turtle, judge and promoter for years in the NE area!

Anyway my weekend seemed long between the shows and trying to do little errands and chores....I only have 2 days before I am off to Colorado. I bought all the meats (enough for 2 days) for Bill Wilmore's food prep. A whole tenderloin cut up into 8 oz peices and 10 lkbs. of chicken and it won't be enough steak!!!! I got a hot pot for his grits and have been gettingout all my appliances, color products, old sheets, etc....So this week I still have to get his carbs, pack everything up, finish doing my own laundry and pack myself up...work, train, do cardio....you get the picture! Oh and it's my trainers birthday when we are inColorado...so I want to bring him a little something...I better start a list!!!!!!!!!
Bill did callme yesterday, he guest posed at the Pittsburg Pro. he was pretty excited cause he was up there with all the BIG guys..Jay, Ronnie, Dexter, Gustavo, you get the picture! He felt like he made his debut there...it must have been a dream come true - good for him!!! He is a hard worker and a great guy..I wish him the best in Colorado!!!!

I got an e-mail today on my site from a girl who I helped backstage in Charleston, Rebecca. She wanted to thank me for helping her out and talking with her...it's so nice to get those. To know someone took time out of their busy day to give me a shout of appreciation...it's really nice!!!

OK, well, I am tired now just thinking of what I have to do before Wednesday!!! Take care, be kind!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal


It is a beautiful day in the Northeast, sunny, warm, full of colorful flowers and budding trees!! I just wished this time of year didn't make me feel so sick with allergies. I will deal though because it's way better than winter! It was beautiful yesterday too!

I went down to Jersey to train with my friend, Rob Lopez at Strong & shapely gym. Bob Bonham was there and very welcoming as usual! His gym is awesome and I love having the opportunity to go down and train. We had an OK work out. Both of us were really affected by our allergies and the medications that go along with it so the focus was a bit off but we got it done!
On the way out IFBB pro Craig Richardson rolled up with his training partner and long time friend, Harley. harley had a sweet Ferrari....boy it was NICE!!!! Craig was looking large and in charge. He will be competing in the September shows, one in Fresno that Flex is promoting and the Atlantic City show. I gave him and Harley my contest prep card as they were complaining about last years Olympia and how they couldn't get Craig his food on time! I figured it was a good way to market...opportunities baby!!

I boogied home quick thorugh the NY/CT traffic to meet up with my girl who is competing this weekend - her carb up is going well and she seemed happy. We gave her the last minute adjustments..I can't wait to see her on stage! Then it was off to do a Vyotech demo at the GNC in Buckland Hills mall in CT. Jeff and Matt were having a bit of a slow day but they were entertaiing to say the least so the time flew! Sales were a bit down but we are just getting started with this product!

I have to do the meat shopping for Big Bill today so I can section it off and freeze it! I am buying a whole tenderloin and having it cut (problem is that I think I will need another one!!) The big boys sure do eat way more than me!! He is traveling to Pittsburg for guest posing and hasn't called me back yet.
Tomorrow I am off to the Muscle Mania in New Haven to see my girl compete and then Sunday will see us in Boston. I will be judging the New Englands. I am looking forward to seeing the physiques up here in the Northeast!!!!

Until later all..have a safe and relaxing weekend.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

OK - I am back to reality here in the Northeast..."home,crap, home" as me and Nicki say! But it was a beautiful sunny, mild day and I had an awesome workout (plus double cardio) so I guess I shouldn't complain.

Our travels to the Jr. USA went well. The pople in S. Carolina that we encounter were all so nice!!!! Tre and Shannon are the most awesome hosts..they went out of their way to make sure we were all taken care of, including calling Poppa Joe to drive us around town if needed!
Our accomodations were great, everything ran smoothly, the protan peeps in Lauderdale got everything right!! There wer no gliches this time around.
Nicki and I did get a ocuple side jobs painting up some people (one of whom would go on to win the overall, Chad!), visited with some friends but mainly just laid low. It was great as usual to work with Steve Stone and Kim Lien. WE missed Rob as he stayed home this trip. Jeremy ("Shrimpy") helped us backstage again and he was just great too.
On Friday we were able to get to teh Steel City Gym (Tre & Shannon's gym) to get a work out in. It is a great little hard core place and the people in there have a great sense of community. Jumbo Dave Palumbo and Colette Nelson were in there getting their workout on as well as Tracey Greenwood and Terry Goodlad. It was cool traning with all these peeps! Dave had some helpful tips for Nicki and I about macadamia nut oil....YUMMY!

The show ran very smoothly on Saturday, the competitors looked great. There were not many women BB but the ones there looked incredible for a Jr. show. There were a bevy of beauties in figure and fitness as always and the men were all in really good shape, especially the super heavy weights (sometimes they can be a big mess!) I wished I could've seen them from the audiance to be able to compare. Justin Harris (known as Tropinin) on Mayhem looked great as a super and won his class. It was a close call for the overall as well but the heavyweight, Chad took it. He was very conditioned and well muscled.

All in all it was a good show. Me and Nicki; were pretty sore and tired. It is pretty physically demanding and a long couple of days sometimes. I wished I could figure out a way to get a massage therapist on call to come and give rub downs after prejudging...that would be nervana!! Everything including my hands are sore from the work but I amnot complaining. The competitors are so appreciative.

So back to the grind. I have a super busy week. I have a client competing this weekend. She looks great and I have to judge the New Englands as well as do 2 demos for Vyotech. I also have to buy the groceries for the Colorado pro for Big Bill ...next Wed. will come quick so I don't want to get caught out there rushing at the last minute!

I will check in when I can