Welcome to my Journal..

This is where you will find the latest on my training, writings, fitness tips, diets, competitions,
and in general, what may be going on with me.

Check back to this section of the website as often as you like to catch the latest on my schedule and appearances.



Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

Hey Everybody!!!!

I am stoked...besides being a beautiful sunny (BEACH) day here I just booked tickets to see "O" by Cirque de Soliel when we go to Vegas for the USA's. It will be Me and Nicki's birthday and last year she took off on a cruise so this year we are celebrating together with Dave and Bella Lana in Vegas. I have always wanted to see this show and my mom is buying me my ticket for my birthday!!!! It will be very cool. I am really looking forward to vEgas this trip?

OK..back to reality...I got my hip adjusted yesterday at the physical therapist. Berta fixed my "downslip"...it still feel kinda funny. She said no movements that are twisting or torking??? Anyway, I think that dead lifts and hamstrings are out of the training loop this week. I still feel a "clicking" in my right knee when I am doing cardio???
Anyway...little bit of a diet struggle too...lower carbs to see if I can drop some weight and lean up a bit more. I still want to try to get "ahead of schedule" no matter what I do regarding the Europa.

I learned that Vyotech won't be helping with travel expenses for any competitions so..I will be rounding up the funds from the generosity of others that have offered(Protan and Gold's W.Side). I am just torn about spending the $ for the Europa at this point. I will decide as time goes on. In the mean time...buckling down MORE and seeing what happens.

I can't believe the sun is shining today...it has been grey and rainy for days now and the forcast was for it to continue. I'll take it though...wished I could be at the beach for it!!!

OK all...train hard..hope those of you that got the newsletter enjoyed it!!

take care

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

Hey all. It's been a rainy weekend in the northeast!!
I am not sure why I haven't blogged since last week but here I am. I have been really focused on my double 45 minute cardios, training and diet. It has all been on track but...not sure why I feel like I have been so busy! No travel this weekend and it's like I have been all over the world! I guess just getting back to reality andtrying to play catch up is exhausting.

I did take a quick 24 hour trip to meet up with Big Bill Wilmore. He was flown up to MA to make a bunch of VYOTECH appearances. They based him out of Fall River where the regional sales director is (JC) so I took a quick overnight to hang out with them, go to some demos and have dinner. Bill isn't quite on track with his schedule yet so I had to get home so I could get all my cardios and stuff in!! He was even eating a big BROWNIE sundae!!! Of all things! It was great to see him though. He takes off for Haiwaii this week with Phil Heath and Jay Cutler to guest pose. He will be there through the 4th. That is a long trip but so totally cool. It is an opportunity that I will never have as a FBB. We just never get those type of experiences. It's hard enough for the suppliment company we work for to get us clothing for demos and maybe a flight to a show!! Not complaining, just reality! Anyway, I will be cooking for Bill for the O...so no matter what I will be sent out there for a fun time and a little work!

So this week it will be my doubles and training as usual. I have a PT client 2 times per week. I will also be seeing teh Physical therapist again. I think I have an UPSLIP again?? We'll wee. Hopefully whatever it is in my hip they can get it fixed before it gets much worse! I have a long time of double cardios and training to do to get myself on stage with the BIG GIRLS!!
Speaking of which, I booked my hotel rooms for both the Europa and Atlantic City. That's just crazy huh??? I will wait to book the flight until I know for sure! I still need to get clarification from sponsors about paying for stuff. Trying to keep everything in order!! Gold's Gym W.Side has offered again to help me out with whatever I need to compete. Thanks STEVE! They are soooo good to me over there!

OK..gotta hit the bed! Feeling tired...I think it's the weather!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

I am BAAAACK!!!! I got in from Chicago yesterday and celebrated Father's Day (what was left of it) with my dad! My mom grilled up a bunch of meat and veggies and totaly catered to my food needs, we lounged around and he opened his presents. It's about as much excitement as I could take....I was EXHAUSTED!!!!!!
Jr. nats went well...it's a lot of work. There were over 300 competitors for the 2 days how. Nicki and I had a couple people who paid for painting and a couple people that we did as favors. One of those was a guy named, Jack, he has cerebral palsey and is deaf. He was flown in from Alaska alone for the show. It was a humbling experience paiting Jack. This man with his disabilities was living out his dream of competing at the National level. I'll tell you what, I will never complain about this able body having to do 2 cardios a day!!!! We were all better people for meeting Jack this weekend. He was awarded a special award from the promoters, they had a bunch of the figure girls present his torphy to him...he was thrilled!

It was an awesome time dispite allthe hard work. Me and Nicki got ther on Thursday (to the wrong airport) and after a hellish shuttle ride we immediately ran into friends at the hotel. We were able to have lunch with Tim and Brandie right away. We trained on Friday with people from Mayhem (Franco, Natalie and Q). We did back adn had a great time and a great workout. It was so nice meeting those people in person. They are awesome. It wasn't such a great idea however to do dead lifts since we were bending and stretching over the next 2 days oiling people up. We were pretty broken to say the least.
"Marvelous" Melvin Anthony bought us dinner one day and told us his testimony. He really has quite a story and I am sure we only heard a little part of it. I actually was pleasantly surprised by our visit. He seems to really be on the right track being a man of God now. he had us laughing too. He is pretty funny!
We spent time with Maggie and Dave after the show on Saturday. It was so late that there was no food in the hotel so we ordered pizza and had drinks in the lobby! Vince Tayloe joined our group and talked a bit about his plans. There was a very different bunch of people allweekend to hang out with and get to know...it was great!
The best thing was that Nicki and I got to really hang out together the whole time. Dave wasn't there this trip so it was like "old times"! I have a feeling once she moves these weekends will be like a great reunion for us!
There are some really great people out there in this crazy BB world. We ocntinue to meet them or re-meet them all the time! Some of the girls backstage were so appreciative, Maggie and Kris, they brought us "treats"! We get alot of accolades fromt he people we oil up. It's nice. Mary Hobbs worked with us and we had a volutneer, Kelly too! I didn't get to see too much of the show but it really does seem that the judging is leaning toward the softer look. Once again the best conditioned women BB did not win, showing that they really want a change, at least at the National level.
There is just so much to talk about I can't remember it all!!!
I willcheckin later when the mind is clear!!

Have a good Monday all!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

WOW..these travel weeks fly!!!! It is almost midnight and here I am still on the computer, haven't even packed yet and still have to bedazzle our protan shirts for the weekend. Even though I amnot going into the day job tomorrow the morning will fly since I have cardio and training before packing (clothes, food and protan bag) and heading off to the airport!!

I did get my USA's flight booked..it was cheaper than I had seen them with better availability so I figured I better get it. It was under $300 and for the past 23 weeks they have been in the mid $300's! Always saving the boos some chedda!! I feel good too cuz although they aren't nonstop I get to VEgas in afternoon so I will be there for weigh-ins and leave out at midnight on my birthday night! That gives me, Nicki and Dave an opportunity to celebrate our birthdays. I really want to go see a Cirque Du Soliel show if possible. It will be nice too to hang out around the pool abit on Sunday and train at leisure!

I kinda screwed up with my meals today though. I ate my meal 4 on way to gym but then after 2 clients,m cardio and tanning I was STARVING!!!! I got home and swallowed a shake but then was eating my dinner (chicken on salad) within an hour). I guess that is still better than stopping for a FLurry!!! I was so tempted tonight! I have been extra hungry this week????

I am hoping to be able to stay pretty close on target this weekend without bringing ALL my food This host hotel has a BB menu and it is pretty clean so that will be a huge help. We never seem to get out of the hotel at this show either so I am not plannign on doing any nice diners or clubs. Just gotta get in as many cardios as possible (athough the actual oiling up of the people is a cardio session in itself!) I think I will be OK!! It would be really great if I can get lean enough to be photoshoot ready for the July shows! I would love to take advantage of those opportunities.

OK...I gotta go bedazzle our shirts so I can get to bed so I can get up at 6 to do my cardio!!!!!!
Never any rest for the wicked!!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

Another SUNNY day today...for a Monday it's actually been a good day. Lot's of simple and positive things happened at the 9-5 so I really can't complain.

I dind't get a lunc hhour nor did I get to train at lunch today so....not complaining though! I will be in the gym all night! I have a client to train plus I have to train myself and do my second cardio. I did already cook up food for the day so that is good but I left my potatoes in the microwave so I didn't have carbs at lunch.

Busy week even though it's a short one. I have to work every night after work through Wed. WE leave Thursday for Jr. Nats so that is work but at least it isn't here!! Of course I have to pack and get all my own training and cardio in. At least I did doubles all weekend - no days off so in case things get crazy this weekend I am ahead of the game!1

Hurricane Alberto sweeps Florida. The first one of the year...that's my TEEN's name...funny huh?! He is gonna sweep Teen Nats too!!! Good sign!

My little back strain feels a bit better although my right knee is popping funny?? Woinder if it is realted? Anyway...lower back tightness from the double cardios ...guess it's a good thing that my massage therapist is back in the schedule!!!

OK all..have a blessed day..hope it's sunny where you are!
Check out Andy's new site @ muscleangels.com. He has a video clip up of me and some photos - I have gottten some e-mails in response to these. The pics were takent eh day after Nats so I was definately contest ready!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

YEAH!!!! The SUN is out today!!!! I couldn't believe it when I woke up to sunshine!!!! I was expecting a cloudy day. Well you know I am taking advantage of this.
I already got to the gym and did my cardio and tanned. So far this weekend I have gotten all cardios in and trained yesterday. I went into the gym thiking I would just do biceps since my lower back is problematic right now. WEll I was feeling pretty good and I have to do high reps anyway for hams so I did 5 sets of lying leg curls, light weight for 15 reps. I didn't do walking lunges or stiff legs for fear that I am still healing. I still feel a twinge but it does seem to be getting better so I don't want to push that right now. It does tighten up after cardio and if I sit too long so...
Anyway I did hours of computer work yesterday, and all sorts of chores so today I am picking up my mom and driving out to the Whole Foods (it's about 30 minutes from me). I feel like having some fish and they have the best plus the SUN is shining so it's a nice day to get mom out for a ride. Who knows, maybe Dad will even come?
I did all my Father's day shopping yesterday! Since I will be gone next weekend I figured it would be easier if I got that done so I can spend the rest of the day with him on Sunday when I get home.

Alright all, I am getting out of here to enjoy this day before the clouds come back!!!!!

PS: My webmaster is back from vacation (Hi Rog!) so my newsletter should be out sooro

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

OK...5 straight day since I have been home and it's rainy, cold and grey...I have about had it with this blanket of doom over New England!!!!

It was nice to sleep IN for once today. I love my bed...it's comfy!!! I slipped something out in my lower back on Thursday (putting a dumb bell back on the floor) and it's real tender. Luckily I had already scheduled a massage for yesterday with my awesome rubber, Dion. She is the best at deep tissue. She worked out some knots and stuff in my neck and back. I haven't seen her in a while since she was n maternity leave. She has a beautiful baby boy, Nick. I guess I will have to take it a bit easy with my little issue to see if it heals, if not...off to the chiropractor or PT!! I hate to have to go back to PT, although they always fix me, it's time consuming...but if it's the only thing that keeps me trianing? I guess I may have no choice. Right now, sitting here typing I feel a little pull in my lower right side that actually burns a bit...Advil, stim machine...maybe a hot soak! I will skip hamstrings today (that was next for my training), I took yesterday off hoping it would feel better today but...I guess I will have to rest it a bit and just do arms and abs today!

I have all sorts of computer work to do , train and house work so I guess it's OK that the weather sucks cuz I don't feel so bad about not being outside!!!!

OK all, off to do my Saturday chores...find some sunshine where ever you are!!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

Well it's another rainy cold day in the northeast. I guess it was like this all last weekend...I am glad I missed it!! it is not supposed to get much better over this weekend either!! I guess maybe it will be a good opportunity to SLEEP!!

Well I have been right on target all week wiht my diet and cardio and training. Of course it was easy to keep it up last weekend being around all those people getting ready for shows!!! My girl, Nicki among others todl me this week when they saw me that my face is starting to get lean. YEAH!!!! The doubles are paying off. I actually noticed it myself throgh my waist and abs. The fat deposits seem to be resting in my lower back and butt!! So that is about right!!! If I can really get ahead of the game between now and mid July then maybe Europa will be in the plan!! The 3 weekends in July will be tough as I won't have any time in between to really regroup plus I will be tired from travel and keeping up the cardio! If I get ahead now then I should be OK!

Yes that's right...I will be going out to Masters/Teens Nationals!!! That is the weekend between Team U (7/15) and USA's (7/29). My boy Alberto who just won the teen overall at the Atlantic States is flying me out to coach him out there. This is good as I really wanted to go out to support my girl, Shelly, who will be rocking the figure stage!! So July will be a busy month!!

That's all that is new right now around here!!
Next weekend off to Jr. Nationals in Chicago and then a bit of a travel break. This weekend - REGROUP!!!!! Focus on training and diet and just be CONSISTENT!!

Have a sunny day wherever you are!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

Well it's MOnday and it's 84 degrees at 8:30 am in Tampa Bay!! I did my cardio outside with Brandie today (Tim's wife). It's always easier to do it with a buddy - that 45 minutes flies by! What's really great is not going into the office for work!!!!

The weekend was sooo busy with working the Central Florida District show in Sarasota but we got it done! Son and Kirsten Tran do a great job putting ont he show an dmaking the ocmpetitors feel special on their big day. I got down there thinking that I would have time to train on Friday and maybe get some sun, pay bills whatever but....we ran the whole time I wasx there right up until the show!!! I did get all my cardio in though.
Anna Clements is prepping for a figure show at the Tampa Bay Classic and then the next weekend after that so she was hard core. That helped me get all my cardio in for sure. We were doing cardio at midnight on Friday night and then again on Saturday am at 5!!!! Yeah, if she hadn't been there I probably would have skipped one of those! I was tired but not as bad as her! The only cheating I did was having a glass of wine on Friday - I ate clean the rest of the time!!
I love going to visit Son and Kirsten because they are competitors and always feed me clean if I am dieitng so it's easy to come to their house. I have also gotten to really like Sarasota! But...they will be moving to Atlanta as Son has had a new job opportunity so although that is great news it is also bittersweet..Kirsten and Son both love Sarasota. It will be a great adventure for them!
The crew that works that show is great; Jose, Tim, Brandie, Cassie and Andrea, Anna, and many, many other volunteers. Working togetheris great because we know how each other gets things done and it works!! It was nice to see JOse...bittersweet also..as much as I love being here and remembering all the great memories of being here I miss it too and it can be bittersweet!! Anyway, new memories area alwys waiting to happen right?!
It was back to Tampa on Sunday with John (Anna's boyfriend) and a relaxing day with Tim and Brandie and their kids. They have great kids, Nolan, Reece, Rachel and Brett. Rach
Carla's Online Web Journal

Well it's MOnday and it's 84 degrees at 8:30 am in Tampa Bay!! I did my cardio outside with Brandie today (Tim's wife). It's always easier to do it with a buddy - that 45 minutes flies by! What's really great is not going into the office for work!!!!

The weekend was sooo busy with working the Central Florida District show in Sarasota but we got it done! Son and Kirsten Tran do a great job putting ont he show an dmaking the ocmpetitors feel special on their big day. I got down there thinking that I would have time to train on Friday and maybe get some sun, pay bills whatever but....we ran the whole time I wasx there right up until the show!!! I did get all my cardio in though.
Anna Clements is prepping for a figure show at the Tampa Bay Classic and then the next weekend after that so she was hard core. That helped me get all my cardio in for sure. We were doing cardio at midnight on Friday night and then again on Saturday am at 5!!!! Yeah, if she hadn't been there I probably would have skipped one of those! I was tired but not as bad as her! The only cheating I did was having a glass of wine on Friday - I ate clean the rest of the time!!
I love going to visit Son and Kirsten because they are competitors and always feed me clean if I am dieitng so it's easy to come to their house. I have also gotten to really like Sarasota! But...they will be moving to Atlanta as Son has had a new job opportunity so although that is great news it is also bittersweet..Kirsten and Son both love Sarasota. It will be a great adventure for them!
The crew that works that show is great; Jose, Tim, Brandie, Cassie and Andrea, Anna, and many, many other volunteers. Working togetheris great because we know how each other gets things done and it works!! It was nice to see JOse...bittersweet also..as much as I love being here and remembering all the great memories of being here I miss it too and it can be bittersweet!! Anyway, new memories area alwys waiting to happen right?!
It was back to Tampa on Sunday with John (Anna's boyfriend) and a relaxing day with Tim and Brandie and their kids. They have great kids, Nolan, Reece, Rachel and Brett. Rachel will be doing her first fitness show this year at the Southern States. She is a talented and beautiful girl, come to think of it they all are!!! Sushi was on the list for dinner - that was awesome. Brandie will be doing the Jr, Nats in 2 weeks so she is hard core at this point but she will be beautiful up there!! The good thing this year is that I will see these guys alot at the shows!!! Less time to miss them!
Back at Body Tech today, my gift to Tim ( shadow box of Nationals momentos; number, pro card, pic, t-shirt) is already up!
I look around and see the last 7 years of my life on the walls; it's amazing...all those moments in time, the people you meet, the relationships you lose and gain, all chronicled in Body Tech! It's like we are all Tim's kids...good, bad, drama, fun...it's just a journey that is amazing!!!!
I am signing off now before I start to cry!!! (and I am not even low carbs yet!)
Have a great rest of the day all and thanks for visiting here!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Carla's Online Web Journal

Well it's a beautiful day in Tampa Bay!!!!! Flying in here is like coming hom... Driving to the gym passed such familiar places, streets.... It almost feels bitter sweet, missing days past but happy to have a second home! I was picked up by Benji from Body Tech and brought right into the gym!! Walking through those doors really is like coming home for sure. I always get a warm feeling come over me when I enter Body Tech!! Right onto the treadmill for my am cardio since I didn't get to do it at 4 am. some chicken breast and green beans and right into shoulders!!
Kirsten is on her way right now from Sarasota to get me. We are trying to get all the banners to be hung tomorrow and whatever else needs to happen today!! Guess it will be busy!
I am really looking forward to seeing the rest of my peeps down here! I really am so blessed!
Off to go do something busy!!!

Have a great day all