Welcome to my Journal..

This is where you will find the latest on my training, writings, fitness tips, diets, competitions,
and in general, what may be going on with me.

Check back to this section of the website as often as you like to catch the latest on my schedule and appearances.



Wednesday, November 30, 2005

OK guys! It's Hump day?!
Talk about crazy new England weather. It snowed onThanksgiving and was so cold I almost got frost bite whenI was shoveling and today it is rainy and balmy like Florida??WTF!!
Anyway...I trained with my girl Nicki last night (DC training). not feeling sore from it yet - guess will have to wait and see. It was very different, kind of fun and really short?
I have been starving for 2 days now. Crazy huh? Well hopefully I will be able to lose the little layer over me for my shoot next week.
Big Poppa, Jay Hammett, got me my ticket to shoot with Barry Brooks so that is finalized. Now I just have to figure out what outfits to wear?
I have worked mybutt off today at the day grind! Trying to catch up from my pre-contest slacking!!! Anywa - I am up to date now.
Kickboxing tonight!
Gott run!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Well everyone!!
It's a grey day here in Massachusettes but at least it is warm!
Well, I am back onthe diet and double cardios!! That's what I get for eatinglike a jerk for Thanksgiving! I will be flying out to shoot with Barry Brooks in two weeks so...the life of a pro? I am deterined not to look fat in the off season so here I go......
I am anxiously awaiting my flights back to Atlanta to start work with my contest prep. Patience is not always easy for me. I also am looking forward to see what the Road to the Pros will have in store for me for 2006!
I have been back in the gym and went to cardio kickboxing last night. Boy do I feel out of shape. How does that happen so fast? I feel like my body is just absorbing any nutrients, water and whatever else it can. i will be meeting my girl Nicki at the Gold's in Enfield to train tonight. She is going to put me through some DC training! I had done someof this with Rob Lopez last year. It works for David Henry so I think it might be a good idea for me with some shoulder development!
Anyway - hope your day goes well. i have beensendingmy webmaster pics to post so hopefully some will go up soon!!!
Peace - C

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Hey Guys!!
Happy belated Thanksgivng. I hope eveyone has had a blessed holiday and are feeling rested and full from lots of Turkey and pie!!!! i know I am.

It has been a whole week since my big win in Atlanta! My life just seems to be going faster than I can hold on!!!
I have enjoyed a nice Thanksgiving with my family including my Aunt Donna from New Hamsphire and friends, NIcki and David Henry! I have eaten a lot and feel kind of gross to be honest but the structured eating plan is scheduled for tomorrow and I was in the gym today! i actually have done cardio every day as well just to keep things from going crazy! I am weighing more now than in my last off season but I amnot bloated. i still have some crazy lines in my delts and chest and deep lines in my legs. My face and butt have filled out though (Thankg God!).

Everyone has been askingme, "what next?". All I know is that I amnot sure how or where it will come but I feel that this win will open doors for me and things will start to happen. I just need to keep my eyes and mind open to the possibilities!. Road to the Pros, Jay hammet, has called me every day and is going to be working with me on promoting me as the "new face" of female BB! He also will be helping me to get gigs doing my contest prep work. I am hoping to work with pro Tony Freeman for the Arnold. It will be a great honor for me to help him make his mark there. I am axiously looking forward to starting work with him!! I also hope the doors will be open with some suppliment companies and magazine work. I guess time will tell and patience is a virtue (one that I have to improve on for sure!!!!)

I can't express how much it meant to me last weekend to get the support I got from, not only friends, but peers in the sport. My experience was so much fun and so rewarding that no matter what had been teh outcome it would have been my best experience to date!!! I feel so blessed for the support I recieved. Road to the Pros helped make my trip stress free and they have embraced me so much I felt totally at home in Atlanta. Al (my camera man, Jay, Shara and Connie were the absolute best! They just really took care of me.
My trainer Tim and the Body tech crew that were there were so supportive and fun. Brandie was just a trip. I am so glad they were there to share my time!! Rob Lopez, not only did he prepare my music (he is a talented professional DJ) but he made the trip all the way to Atlanta!! He is a great freind. Bill Wilmore was there for me every step of the way. Not only is he a great athlete and desrving of his card but he is a true and loyal friend. My girl Nicki was there as always, I couldn't go through this without her. She is the only person who was able to bring tears to my eyes (I guess we are even, lol). Philly Heath was there supporting me every step! Shelly Fields worked magic with my make-up!! CJ came through with great fitting suits that were complimented the whole weekend!! There were so many people there in spirit, that called and texted; Jose, Lana and the MM crew, Kirsten, Son and Anna, my parents, RJ...the list can go on and on! I am so blessed!!! Not to mention the people I don't even know that have wished me well, cop in Atlanta, my co-pilot on the plane, numerous fans around the world!! It's just crazy!!
I know I have probably forgetten to mention someone very important since there were just so many people rooting for me. I truely have been overwhelmed with the support I have gotten and so appreciate all of it!!

My gym, Gold's W.side has blessed me with a life time membership!! They are the absolute best around!!! Coming home to train there just feels so good!!! Steve - you are the bomb (not to mention a world champpion in your own organization!!!)
I can only hope that 2006 is this blessed!!!!
I lookforward to waht is to come and will keepyou all posted, right here in my journal!!!!
Talk to ya soon - for now - home made pasta before the diet starts tomorrow!!
Peace - C

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Hi Everyone!!
I have EARNED my IFBB pro status!! I won the lightweight class in Atlanta at the 2005 NPC Nationals!! Whose life is this anyway?? I am elated, excited, happy,oerwhlemed with emotion...what else...? What a ride this has been! I am not sure that I can eally put thing into words right now or even thank everyone I need or want to so I will take sometimeto think about this and digest it first.
But please know how grateful and blessed I amto have every single person in my life! Thanks you all so much for loving and supporting me.
For now...I dinner with Al (my cameraman fromthe RTP) and his brother,Toney Freeman and family. They are the best!!
Talk to you all when I can get a grip on my feelings and get home
Love ya!



Friday, November 18, 2005

hey all!!

Well it's a cold day in the A-T-L. Only about 29 degrees! Colder than MA!!!! It's sunny and bright though and won't be going anywhere today.
Got here Wed. and the airplane misplaced my cooler!! Crisis only lsted about 45 minutes adn it was found but that was a bit of stress, my food of allthings!! The RTP people were so awesome though, making phonecalls and getting people in line to cook for me. Al and Connie were the best - going all the way back to the airport in rush hour traffic to get my cooler and Latoya at the airport personally took care of things for me.
Got tot he hotel and chilled abit with Big BillWilmore. Jay Hammet wants to name him "Hurricane" since he lived through Wilma. Bill is spot on for sure. Haney came to the room to look at him and gave me a glance. The pro-creaqtor felt I was at the right point in the prep so that was reassuring! Just wished NIcki was here with me!

Thursday I had a photo shoot with Reg Bradford yesterday at Ropeman's gym. Mr. Ropeman took a look at me also and felt I was on target. Back and the hotel,Tim and Brandie got in and checked me out. Tim was happy and felt we were at about 90% on yesterday so I guess I am just cruising. CJ sent my suits overnight and they got there. They are real pretty, not lavendaer but real bling and fit awesome so that will work! The weigh-ins were typical of nationals - full of excitment and energy. Everyone looked to be in shape. This truely is the elite of all amatuer shows and here I am!! I weighed in at 106.6, about a pound up from last year. Not sure but probably the lightest one here! Well - mighty lightweight is my name, right? As Tim said, I have done everything I could and look better than ever so...? It's up to the judges now. Jaimie Troxel came infrom Japan, she always brings an excellant package to the stage, Tara Guzman was thick as usual, MIchell Burdick is here off her win at the North Americans and there were many others looking spot on!! Elena Sieple and Ann Sheehan are here and looking great too! it sure will be fun backstage! Nicki finally got in late, thanks God, I need her to be my mind at this point! yeah!!! My boo is here. Shelly and David got in too. So me and Shel will be having a PJ party in my room!!

Heard from Mo out inCali - he got there safe and is feeling real good, confidenta nd big. I am glad i don't have to worry about him. He is checkiing in and being a good friend.

Today I am just chillingin my room. I feel a bit stupid, kinda wishy washy and out of it so I am laying low. That always happens once I start carbing up so I guess it is normal! There are lots of my friends here that I would love to visit with but..time to just chill!!
WEll - tonight I will go watch the men battlkeitout and cheer Bill and the RTP guys on! Can't wait!!
Sorry for the long post but only had access to the computer now
Check inlater!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Today it's off to HOT-LANTA!!

I am so excited!
I had a super busy day yesterday; had to work at my "real job", train, get waxed and manicured, etc.... I was able to rpint out some contest prep rpoposals to bring withme so I can get it in hand to the people that matter in that area!! I never got home from my whole day until 9 pm. then I had to pack, cook, organize!! Spoke with Jay from RTP - he was reviewing my footage form the weekend. He was loving my family!!! God only knows what they will use??? Time will tell!
So today it was up at 5:30 am to get my last work out in, home, pack the rest of the my stuff and get ready to go.
Hugely inspirational phone call from tim this morning. He has a way of bringing tears to my eyes at times. he reminded me of what I should be thinking of whenI am up there onstage. We discussed what a great journey this year has been and how much simplier it has seemed. I am so glad he is going to be there!
I have this overwhleming sense of clam. It almost is scary to me? I am grateful for it and just plan on going to Atlanta and enjoy every minute of what is left of this journey!! I am anxious to see freinds and to get on that stage with the best athletes in the nation!! WOW - who would have thought...? The people I have met along the way and the friendships that have been made, not to mention the self exploration I have done....OK...enough mushy stuff! Once I start carbbing up at noon I will probably loose the nostalgia!!

Anyway - I will try to check in from Atlanta - if not - will see you when I get back!!
Peace - C

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Well - the good weather has officially ended! It is cold, damp, rainy and grey - just time to get out!!! Atlanta here I come!!
I was so busy yesterday I didn't get a chance to post. I worked all day, trained, had hair appointment after work and then had to go back to the gym to tan and pose. It was a long night. Tonight will be the same. I am packing as I thinkof things so there is stuff everywhere but tomorrow I won't have a chance so that has to be done tonight! All the food prep will have to be done tonight too.

Suits, appliances, protan, clothes, sheets to get all protan dirty, photo shoot clothes...what to bring to wear???? It's a lot to htink about - no wonder why I always have several bags!!

Spoke with CJ last night - she is a doll and got suits made for me that she will be sending withBillWilmore who is picking his up tonight. So I will have a few to choose form. The best fit wins!!
All arrangements for protan as far as workers are made and confirmed. I think I have everything covered - if not?????
Will have to deal with it in Atlanta.
today I am feeling a bit more alert and strong. I didn't have any cardio this morning so that may have helped plus I have been having a bit of coffee. That will end tomorrow!
Gotta fly - still working today and many appointments to get to after work as well as training!!
have a sunny day!!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

It was a beautiful Sunday in New England today; mild, sunny and dry!
Last night went into NYC for the Eastern USA bodybuilding show. The Steve Wineberger/Bev Francis production ran smooth (with Steve Stone crew in the back, LOVE THEM!) and there were a lot of good caliber competitors. It was a long one though and I didn't get home until 3:30 am! thanks God for Nicki Jamrog and David Henry doing the driving or else my carb depleted butt wouldn't have gone! Had a chance to see a lot of the New York/New Jersey peeps; Vic Martinez (he always gives me props!), Capreise murray, Fahkri, Jenn Searles, Bob Bonham, kenny Castle, Rudy Richards and Carlos Filipone (both getting readyfor Nats), amongst others. had a chance to talk, in length with Colette Nelson. She is as sweet as ever and as budy too. She is helping several people get ready for Nationals, including Tera Guzman, who I know willb e bringing it to Hotlanta!! It was nice to meet fans and socialize with friends.
Today, I slept in, did my second to last cardio, started carb depleting, cooked chicken and met up with Muscle Mania Pro, Morris Mendez (morrismendez.com). I have been helping him with his contest prep this year but for this show (same day as mine in California) I was not as aviailable due to my own prep. Anyway - we took each other through mandatories and helped each other with our posing. both of us got pretty tired quick! par for the course right now?
Getting tired - time to crash!

Friday, November 11, 2005

It was actually a great day! Off from work to celebrate our Veterans that risk their life for the Red, white & blue! Thank God for them.
Spent a busy day running errands with Al from the RTP. I got my groceries that I will need to bring with me to Atlanta; (distilled water and rice) , picked up my business card and my posing suit. Drove Al by the DSS office and saw the parades in the city. Noemi at Honey Bunnies made a great after party outfit for me out of a peice of material I had bought for a suit that wouldn't work! It's great! we made a stop at the Hair & Nail Co. and got my eyebrows waxed. Nicki and david Henry trained me for my last leg workout! How belssed am I?...pro trainer Nicki and IFBB pro David training little ol' me!!! needless to say my elgs are toast especially since my last cardio consisted of the glute/ham concentration thing Tim has me doing?
We had lunch (they did) with my parents and Al was able to film and talk with them. We also stopped in at the dojo and spoke with red dragon and watched a bit of class!1 Busy?...I guess! But I got a lot done in preparation to go so I am happy with that.
Al leaves tomorrow and me, Nicki and David are going into NYC for the Eastern USA, night show. that should be a fun day. All I have to do is pack my food, sit back and relax! Only one cardio tomorrow!! I feel like I am not doing enough!
I sent Tim pics today but haven't heard form him yet. hopefully he will be happy?
Guess that is it for now1

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Hey all!!
Well, it's Thursday already! Busy day at work as well as getting ready for Al from the Road To The Pros to come to film! It was grey and really cold today - no more leaves on the trees! It's really looking like winter today (yuk!). I said that yesterday I think.
Anyway - picked up Al after training back and went back to the gym to do my second cardio. That was a killer tonight. My whole leg was feeling on FIRE tonight (not just my glutes and hams)! I guess that is the point?
Feeling a little foggy at times throughout the day. It's almost like I can feel when my body is tapping into the glycogen levels. I have trouble staying on task and am clumsy. I have been pretty hungry too! No worries - almost done. Nine days to go!! I amstarting to look a littel flat I think but pretty hard too!
Well, we have a busy day tomorrow. No work so I can get all sorts of errands done to prepare for next week! Al is in for a long day, I think!
Enough for now -
Nightie night!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Well, it finally feels like winter is settling in! It was real cold today and rainy. It feels like snow but thank God it was only rain!!
It was a good day today. I have to thank my boy, DJ Walt Jackson for hooking a sista up with some great CD's. Haven't seen him in awhile but when I was in the gym doing am cardio he is a pat of the Gold' Gym West Side 6 am crew - holla!! Thanks Walt. I got through a couple of the R&B mixes - good stuff!!! it fueled my work out today for sure. I haven't really been feeling like training so it helped. I got it done though. If I am running out of steam I am reverse pyramid sets. It is working. I get a pretty good pump but am losing it a bit faster right now. Goes with the territory I guess. Gotta get flat before you can fill out?
I also have to give a huge shout out to my girls at the Hair & Nail Co. My girl, Maria is the best, she switched everyone around so she can do my pedicure and manicure next week before I leave for the ATL!!!! Not sure what I would do without her accomodating my crazy schedule!! She is the best!
My mom is the best too! She went to the wholesale meat outlet and bought a whole tenderloin and had it cut in 4 oz. pieces. She is so great!! Thanks mom!
I started my day today with an awesome call from my awesome trainer, Tim Gardner. He wanted to tell me how proud he is of me and all sorts of really nice stuff. We talked about how Bodybuilding has been such an exploration of my soul over the past 6 years! It really jazzed me up to hear his sincere words of praise. It makes the effort so much more meaningful!
I ended my day with a relaxing massage from my fantastic and pregnant massage therapist, Dion Berte! She specializes in deep tissue and keeps muscles healthy throughout the season. It was a great end to my day!
Looking over the day? I guess I am really belssed! That is nice!
Cameraman Al from the Road to the Pros comes in tomorrow night! That should be fun to hang out withAL!
Looking forward to every day of this journey!
But for now - time for bed!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Happy Tuesday!
It is a fairly mild day today up here in Massachusetts. I amgald since it is less of a shock coming home from Florida that way The leaves are just about off the trees however, given a barren look to the world. Just the beginnings of the grey winter weather (yuk!!) I really do have to find a way to get to a sunny warm climate in the winter time on a full time basis! I actually did a lot of talking with freinds inFlorida this past weekend about trying to find an opportunity to bring me down there full time. Leaving my parents up here has always been an issue for me as they really are the only people who are always there for me. But....if opportunity knocks I must try to get out of Springfield!!!!!!
got off the plane lat night and mom was there to meet me (see what I mean?), dropped her off and went straight to the gym to do my second cardio session which is a combination of 2 different stepper type machines and supersetting step ups and lunges. My second cardio all this week will be nothing but butt and ham tighteners!!!
i am really excited to do my last two weeks of diet and training. They are a bit different than in the past. My body is changing every day so it is fun!
Off to clean up the mess at the 9-5!
catch ya all later!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Hey all!!
I am still here in Tampa but leaving this afternoon! I had an awesome, relaxing weekend and health wise I am %100! I feel great. The beautiful, warm and sunny weather down here just fuels my soul. I guess the great friendships I have down here help to the same thing. I went down to Sarasota and visited withmy dear freinds; Kirsten and Son Tran (promoters of the Central Florida District show). They took great care of me, fed me diet food, hooked up the bike for my cardio, drove me around. They are the best!!!! Then I came to back to Tampa and hung out with dear friends, Tim and Anna. It was just relaxing and nice to be in the company of people who really care about you and who understand the BB journey!!!
I got my last two week adjustments from Tim, trainer extrodiaire!! He seemed pretty happy with my progress and I am excited for the next two weeks to see how I turn out!! Looking through all the pictures and collages at Body Tech brings such wonderful memories of people I have met and friendships I have made. It made me a bit emotional today looking at where I started all this (maybe the low carbs are getting to me?). I miss it when I am not here!
Anyway, Al from the RTP is coming in on Thursday to shoot for a couple days and all arrangements for Nationals is complete by them!~ I am so blessed to have this opportunity this year! I hope and pray it opens some wonderful doors work opportunites for me?! I am really looking forward to traveling to Atlanta to compete. I don't think I have ever been this excited? there will be a couple empty seats in the audience that will be an empty spot in my nigth but I must realize that things happen for a reason and are the way they are for a reason!
OK guys - time to go catch my flight back to the cold!!!
Will check in later!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Hi all!
Feeling much better today (thank God!!)
Another gorgeous day as far as weather. I am sure enjoying it as I am anticipating the grey, cold days ahead (yuk!0
spoke with the road To The Pros today and they are booking my flights to Atlanta!! I am psyched! Also my camera man, AL, will be coming to see me next week!! I look forward to seeing him.
The other great news is that they picked the last female BB, Elena Sieple! It's a great choice. I am thrilled to be involved with this program and look forward to going to Atlanta to do battle! as they would say at the Raod to The Pros; "I AM BUILT FOR THIS!"
Spoke with CJ down in Ft. Lauderdale. Poor thing is still trying to recover form the Hurricane (WIlma).Of course this is her busiest season with all sorts of shows this month. She is just out straight. So are my friends down ther at Protan. I am just glad they are all OK.
Off tomorrow for the land of the sunshine; FLORIDA!! Looking forward to Tim, getting my last adjustments and making sure I am on track. Also looking forward to just relaxing with friends and maybe hitting some of that Florida sunshine!
Have to do a double session of lifting today as well as cardio since yesterday I wasn't able to train due to my illness. Glad I am back to normal!!
Peace out!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Hi All!!
It is a beautiful fall day today. Temperatures in the high 60's, sunny and dry. Just good for the mood. I am getting ready to head down to Tampa for the long weekend. Meet with my trainer and catch up with friends, and just relax; eat, train and do cardio. I can't wait.
In the meantime I got a call from Payam (the photographer) last night. He congratulated me as I will be featured in an international fashion magazine. He got the green light onhis photos from the editors of Sleek magazine. He was relieved and excited. he was also super appreciative of my working with him and will get me finished pictures and thread sheet as soon as possible. The article should be featured in Dec. issue.
spoke with Reg Bradford this week. He will be in the area this weekend but i will be gone. He wanted to shoot. i hate to miss the opportunity to shoot with him. His pictures are great!
I just realized they featured me in the GEnex nationals updates. That was cool of them!
Training and cardio are great. I trained with muscle mania pro, Morris Mendez this past Saturday. He is getting ready for the Muscle Mania Worlds in Redondo Beach. His show is the same day as mine. we barter servcies; I have helped him with his contest prep and he trains me, in turn. I had goen tiwht him to Miami for the superbodies competition. He won the pro division there. It was his first pro win. you can see him on his site at morrismendez.com
I have been having some gastro-intestinal issues though which have hindered my eating schedule. Hopefully I can get this under control by today. Only 3 weeks to go and I am on target! Don't want this to ruin things!!!
The Road To The Pros has been callingdaily. They were supposed to come up this week but I haven't heard. They will definatley be here next week. I am looking forward to seeing them.
For now...that's it. Will check in again!
Have a great day and hope it is sunny where you are!